Machinery Magazine Augest 1922 Mc Graw-Hill Company Inc, New York cents. a copy
10 Buying- A M E R I c A N M A C H I N I s T -Section Vol. 56, No. 2
6, 7 and 8 ft. High Speed
The spindle in this 20-horsepower ma-
chine has four times as many speeds as
the controller has contact points. They
operate drills from ~ in. to 3 in. at 100
feet cutting speed, and at any rate of pen-
etration the drills will withstand. The
feeds are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35
and 40 thousandths per revolution. The
gearing is of 3.5 per cent nickel steel,
hardened and ground, and none exceeds a
periphery speed of 978 feet per minute.
It is the prodigy of the century.
The Cincinnati Bickford Tool Co.
Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A.
Founded 1874
20"'fn. High Speed Upright
This machine is made in sixteen combinations. It
is furnished with or without a power feed and with
or without a tapping attachment, and may be fitted
with either a square or round table and with a cone
or motor drive. It is furnished also as a gang drill.
The'speeds range from 142 to 764 R.P.M. The
power feed advances the spindle at the rates of .0035
in., .0065 in. and .01 in. per revolution. The motor
bracket is designed to admit of its being attached to
a machine already installed.
DALTON MANUFACTURING (see previous other 1922 page)
The holding and setting jigs and gauges require castings true
The top surf ace and the columh bearing of these knee castings
to form and size. We attain this uniformity by producing
are chilled.
castings on moulding machines.
We Manufacture Milling Machines In Quantities
That enables us to jig up all the operations to produce
the highest degree of accuracy and interchangeability.
These 20 knee castings will be alike when they come
off the planer table, and the next lot will be like them,
and the next and the next, because we have a reliable
set of special gauges for setting the pieces as well as for
setting the planer tools.
Accurately machined main castings are the first
essentials in a machine having the extremely accurate
alignments which characterize Cincinnati Millers.
Visit our plant and see for yourself how we do these
January 12, 1922
Cut Production Costs-With Modern Equipment 119
1 million dollars' ~of well-selected ~
stock, constantly main- ~fained, and an organization ~
keyed up to the theory that ~plant efficiency is measured ~
by the number of orders ~shpped on the day of re- ~
celpt, accounts for Cald- ~. swell service. Let us figure ~
on your requirements. ~
~ CHICAGO, l7th Street and Western Avenue ' ~
: DALLAS, TE~S, 709 Mmn Street ~
~Hotter Work in Shorter
~ Time with the Nicholson
~ Arbor PreSS
~ Your workmen are just as anxious to
~save time and increase production as
: you are-particularly if they are on
: piece-work. Don't make them use
~ clumsy, obsolete tools and methods.
~ The Nicholson Arbor Press reduces by
: half the time required for pressing out
: arbors, punching, bending, broaching
~ and similar work. Made in several
~sizes-one to meet your needs.
SAVE SPACE- A set of nine does ~
the work of several hundred solid :
mandrels. ~
SAVE TIME--Instantly fit any hole, :
round or square, `from Y2 in. to ~
7 inches. ~
SAVE LABOR No need to caliper ~
or turn down a dozen or so of ~
solid mandrels to get one that ~
fits. ~
Write /or details of 30-day trial oner. -
No obligation, of course. -_-__
~. Ho Nicholson & Co. ~
114 Oregon St., Wilkes-flarre, Pa. ~
Flather and co lathe
Is not absorbed In the machine. In~
lesc features show in the daily cost sheets
don't forget that the accuracy is always there.
f & ~ N .ashua, N. H._
Way of Machining Ring Gears
1st Operation
Hartness Automatic Chucking Lathe_
1 man-2 machines-12-25 gears per hour per
machine-24-50 gears per hour per man
The operations of the machine are entirely automatic. All the oper-
ator has to do is chuck the work, start the machine, and remove the
work af ter the piece is finished .
One man-two machines-12-25 gears per hour per machine.
24-~0 gears per hour per man.
The production depends on the size of the gear, hardness of material
and amount of stock to be removed.
The blanks are gripped in a three-jawed air chuck.
The upper tool holder, carrying four tools, rough and finish bores
the hole, bores and necks the counterbore, and chamfers the bore.
The lower tool holder carries eight tools, four for rough facing, one
for chamfering, and three for finish facing. The four roughing
tools rough inside of web, rough face the counterbore and the back
f ace f rom inside and outside. The remaining tools finish all these
surf aces on the return motion of the tool head. As the feed of the
tool head reverses, the spindle speed is automatically increased so as
to provide greater cutting speed during the return cut.
See Our Advertisement Next Week For the 2nd Operation
January 12, 1922 Cut Production C0sts——With Modern Equipm-eizt 13
Way of Machining Ring Gears
lst Operation
_l-[artness Automatic Chucking Lathe
1 man—2 machines—-12-—25 gears per hour per
machine——24——5O gears per hour per man
The operations of the machine are entirely automatic. All the oper-
ator has to do is chuck the work, start the machine. and remove the
work after the piece is finished.
T One man—two machines—-l2—Z5 gears per hour per machine.
O 24-—5O gears per hour per man.
The production depends on the size of the gear, hardness of material
and amount of stock to be removed.
The blanks are gripped in a three-jawed air chuck. -
The upper tool holder, carrying four tools, rough and finish bores
the hole, bores and necks the counterbore, and chamfers the bore.
The lower tool holder carries eight tools, four for rough facing, one
for chamfering, and three for finish facing. The four roughing
tools rough inside of Web, rough face the counterbore and the back
face from inside and outside. The remaining tools finish all these
surfaces on the return motion of the tool head. As the feed of the
tool head reverses, the spindle speed is automatically increased so as
to provide greater cutting speed during the return cut.
i See Our Advertisement Next Week for the 2nd Operation
. Springfield, Vermont, U. S. A.
9-10 Water. Lane, Queen‘Victoria St., London, England
San Francisrao. California France. Spain and Be1gium——F'. Auberty 8: C0. Hollan<1—Sr>liethoff Becuwkes & CQ_
503 1\‘I'.u'ket Street 182 Rue Lafayette. Paris Leuvehaven, Wz. 159 Rotterdam
Japan. Korea. Etc Australasia—-McPherson. Pty.. Ltd.. Swede-.n—A. B01. Oscar. Lindbom.
MHS111 U0-. Ltd TORI" 55'-L Collins St., 1\Ie1b0urne Stockholm-Post Box 420
*****Machinery Magazine*********************************
86 Buying—A. M E R I C A N M A C I-I I N I S T--Section Vol. 56, No. 2
lnstant, Easy Control
Our 20-inch ALT.-G-EARED and
Self-Oiled Drills are unsur-
passed for-high speed work.
Haveunusually long life and
aliord uninterrupted service.
Writei for {Iatalog “A”
‘Barnes Drill, Co. i
Inc. 1.907
830 Chestnut St., Rockford, IJL,
Grifflths & C0., Ltd., London, E. C.
FRANCE: R. S. Stokvis & Fils, Paris.
JAPAl\': Roku Boku Shotcn, Tokyo.
ITELLY: Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Milan.
8: Co.. Sydney. BELGIUM: G. 8: F.
Limbourg, Freres, Brussels. Spain and
Portugal: American Machinery Corpora-
tion, S. A. 19., 1\-Iadrid. Sindicato do
Maquinaria Americana, Bilbao,
' !\
5;; ll are behind the claims for su-
' premacy made for this remark-
able Z0-inch upright with 3. 12-
*‘ m. spindle travel——the
Silver” Upright
" which showed up splendidly during
65 Years’ Experience
.:5,::_---.§‘,.>-.- I’
. -- .-2 - -_:-,
. iii
;;<=.;=i ;_ the war against every conceivable dif-
==~--*- ficulty, has been made larger,
stronger, and better.
For the repair man, the tool room,
the garage man, or for general pro-
duction, this sturdy, handy “Silver”
is in a class by itself.
if - '
Get the catalog. '
The Silver Mfg. Co.
Box 360, Salem, O. _ Z
. . - Established 1854 §
The Mueller Machine Tool Co.
I Cincinnati, Qhio
Radial Drills and Lathes
Write or particulars
Highest Efliciency-—Utmost Economy
“Hole Hog” Multiple Drillers and Borers increase the
output and reduce production costs. Save in every direc-
tion. Increase the capacity of your plant by using‘
“Hole Hogs” instead of building an addition. Tell Us
your needs. p
There is nothing better than the Best
To secure 100% ECOIQQIHY a11d.10O'7° @............
Efficiency. use W. l\. Best Oll and gs _ °"»°“"““
tar burners and furnaces for Annea1- 'g1"_‘_Y__°_,é;s -- p
ing. Case Hardening, Tempering, F0rg- _‘Lm__°_‘__
ing, Heat Treating, etc. ' Send for —-- -
“There isnothingbetter than the Best” ,1.g
W. N. Best Furnace & Burner Corp., ll Broadway, N. Y. City
Nelson Blanck Mfg. Co. N_ Y_ Office;
Detroit, Mich. Grand Central Palac
Fits Any Spindle —— ‘J/\<_> W
Drills Any Pattern
' to 12 HOLES’. Built for fast
oduction. _ '
Stops And Starts At Any Speed
.»:_::.__ 'f_ _ |hi] ....:-.—__.. -.(—_:_;__i_
-I o- H;-==/'
From 1 to 6, you
» speed the machine
requires with the
\ Evans Variable
A Said
_ _- ia . you o
1,0 change the
speed is pull the
cord while the
machine is running if you
wish. This device is guar-
anteed to give service for
years. It acts as a clutch
as well as a speed changing
I ; ' | \ 3;’ device.-
' If you want details,
write for Catalog
Evans Friction Cone Co. N°"‘°‘i1’;‘i§l"“““'
A Warden & Co., 48 Shepherdess VValk, City Road, London, E. C.. England.
Rapid and Economical
The Gorton Engraving
Cheaper engraving work Without any»
sacrifice of quality is made possible
by the simplicity and speed of the
Gorton machine method.
The direct saving in time, effort and eg-
- pense in the production of engraving or in
the finishiner. of dies, small parts, etc.,
makes Govt-on Machines indispensable.
Write us today for detailed data on 2/our
class of work.
Racine, Wiscsis-¢~.1lin
W1-ite for Bulletin N0. 30 -
MINSTER, orno, U. s. A.
Bronze Bushings 1 ‘
Made to your formula-. Machined to your ‘
specifications. Brass and bronze castings,
Special machine work.
Send us your blueprints
Sterling Specialty Company
Newcomerstown, Ohio
A Word That Helps You
Toward Better Business
Hocfcr Drillers and Auxiliary I_)rilling Heads drill their
way through doubtful times with a degree of economy
that speeds the coming of better business to your _$h0p.
Iloejer is the pass-word that admits better drllling
methods. P-u-t it up to Hocjer and put at over.
B)'(Z)'lClI(’8 in 1)-r-inca'pa_Z ci»t-ins.
btzmdarrlzze on Tapping Machines
L a '11 niailufacturers of Sin e and
e di g gl
Multiple Spindle Drilling Machines, _
Cylinder Boring Machines, etc.. and CO‘
various types of special equipment. C1eVelaI1d; 01110
nee m er
Rapid and Economical The Gorton Engraving Machine Cheaper engraving Work without any sacrifice of quality is made possible by the simplicity and speed of the Gorton machine method. The direct saving in time, effort and ex- pense in the production of engraving or in the fiI1iShiI3:€‘». of dies, small parts, etc., makes Gaifiion Machmes indispensable. class of work. GEO. GORTQN MACHINE COMPANY Racine, Wis
Write us today for detailerl
January 12, 1922 Cut Production Costs-With Modem Equipment
Cutting the Cpst of Material Handling
NO matter What you handle, there is a Link-Belt way of doing
it quicker, cheaper and better. The use of a locomotive
crane, electric hoist, portable loader or some other type of Link-
Belt elevator and conveyor might be the means of saving you
time and money in the handling of your materials.
The equipment shown on this page represents only a few
of the many types of Link-Belt material handling equipment.
Write us about your requirements. Let our engineers show
you Where handling costs can be reduced. Send for Catalogs.
New York V . - V - an Bynudway Cleveland . - . . 429 Kirby Bldg. Denver Llndrnoth, Shubazt A1 00.. Boston um.
sum. 9 - _ . - 49 Federal st. new": . . ma wvmxwm Ave. Lonisvflle. xv. . Frederlck Wehle. Sharks Bldg.
Pittsburgh - - . - 1501 rm Bldg. Kansas City. M0. . _ 306 Elmhurst mag. New OHEZXXS . c. 0 Hm. 504 Camndeltri Bldg
SLY-0\IiE - . Central Nat'l_Bank am. Seattle . . _ . _a2n First Av:-. . Blrmlngham, Ala., s,|. Morrow. 120 Brown-Marx Bldg-
Blxlflh; - - 7 7 64'! E\hcnttS%\zare Portland. _Ure. . . - rmmma Stark 515. In Canada 7 cm-am Link-Belt cmmm. Lbrl .
Willtgs-&!r: 7 20 rm. Bank lflz. em Francisco‘ . . - ma Second st. Toronw and Monweal
Hnrmngtnn, w. v=. Robson-Prlchard Bldg. L03 Anrtdes . - ma N. Los Anxzles sz.
1;. W. GALD\\ ELL& sou co., c1~ncAsO, 11:11 =1-a Western Ave - N1-JW yomc. 239 Brflidwixy DALLAS. rams we Main st Sm