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Asher & Adams 1876
see the Centenial of American progress
100 years Manufacturing.
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The Inventor of Sewing Machine.

.Jr., went to Jocusion with his family, in 1847, and there worked for Mr. Thomas, adapting the machine to the mamdnrtnrr.of
corsets. But owing to dishonorable treatment, Mr. Howe separated from Thomas, although his exigencies were such that be
was compelled to sell a machine for four pounds, (though worth 50 pounds) and also to pawn his first machine and letters
patent, to pay his ix-pesos back to America. Ile reached New York, after two years' absence, in April, 1849, with but fifty
cents in his pocket.
On Ins return, notch to his surprise, he d io c lverrd that his machine had become famous, while be seemed forgotten, others
had been intreingiug, and that it would require the strong hand of' the law to vindicate his patent. One machine was exhibited in
Western New York, its it great cutiusity— "The Yankee Sewing. Machine, 12& cents a ticket." Ile was receiving only weekly
wages as n journeyman machinist ; but he resolved to prosecute tho in-ti iugers of his patent. The legal contest was long but
Ill, was finally victorious ; and thus it leading branch of our national industry became tributary to hint, the founder of it. In 1850,
Elias 11owe Jr., produced 14 Sewing hhroilines, in it small shop in Gold Street, New York; and in 1851 they were all In
successful operationxalu, the Iluwo Marllioo llumpauy was uryuniand, tied the business is carried on in Ihnt wwm nodor the
supervision of hie sons-in-law, Alden Ii. Stockwell, President; and Levi S. Stockwell, Treasurer of the Coumpany. The number
of hands employed at Bridgeport, Conn., on machines alone, is about 1,500; at I'eny Indiana, on all tho wood-work used,
about 750; in Glasgow, Scotland, on machines alone, about 1,000; and in New York city, about 750; making a total of about
4,00(1 operatives, when all the factories are racing in full, and producing, as we have Lurid, about 800 nmchines per day.
The number of styles is about 15, ranging from $60 to $250, according to amount of ornamentation.
All the machines are fully warranted, and in every case satisfaction is guaranteed. Each Family Machine is furnished with It
hemmer, braider, quilter, gage, gage-screw, twelve assorted needles, six bobbins, needle-plate, screw-driver, oil-can, belt,
two wretches, and n book of instruction for using the machine. The trade-mark, it medallion likeness of Elias 11 love Jr., is
imbedded in every genuine Howe Sewing Machine. The Howe Sewing Machines are sent in annually increasing quantities,
throughout every civilized country, even to Japan, and ammG; (h,' First. Premiums uwurdrd to then) were the

Elias Howe, Jr., Inventor, May, 1841

in New Yank and Worcester, sewiog gait.rs, pantaloons, boot-legs, etc, so that lie demonstrated that, besides inventing tile
Sowing Machine, and making the first ono with his awn hands, he wits entitled to the credit of having brought his invention
into success-Oil its(! in inatillffflit icing. In 1850 Ioute M. Sieger invented three improvements; but Mr. Ilowe reIniudnd him that lie
wits infringing
upon the I [Owe patent(If 1846. In 1854, after n long trial, Judge Sprague, of Massachusetts, decided tile,: "'Pilo potent of Elias
Ilowe Jr., Ili plaintiff, is valid, and the deh:wbwt's machine is an iufrin;cmont Thorn is evidence m this case that loaves no shad
1W of doubt that, f lr all the banch t r. mforred upon the public by taw Introduction of it Sewing Machine, the public, are
indebted to Mr. Howe'
In 1856 the principal manufacturers of Sewing Machines, were about to have their several claims tested at law ; but finally,
upon consultation, they clime to an amicable agreement and compromise, the results of which are that every honestly nmde
showing machine pays the Howe Sewing llachineOomplmyonedollar; while every sewing machine which includes tinydevico
patented by any other member of the combination, pays seven dollars to the combination.
'I'Inrx the Howe Machine Company receives one of the seven dollars, and the other six go into the General Fluid fir defending
the patents against dishonest and unlawful infringers.
To, we see that after having devoted about 30 years to the invention and development of the Sewing Machine

With sketch of the inventor.
This vast industry owes its existence to the original inventive genius of one mmn, the late Elias Ilowe Jr., whose rxt machine,
an illustration of which may be seen on this age, embodied all the important features which distiuuish the whole; loud which,
as since improved by hint- elf and others, is now the representative mewing muchinc. As such we propose to give n brief
history of its origin nd present capacities, with other facts of interest to the olhlic.
Elias Ilowe Jr., Inventor of the Sewing Machine, was ern at Spencer, Mass., in 1819. (Ile died in Brooklyn, ,. I., in 1867.) II is
father was It fanner and miller. He forked in the mill at an early age, +md Illrre received hie Irst idea of machinery. Ito was
subsequently en+ployed in aeturiee and mucbine slops in Lowell, OamLridgo and luxton. Ile nmrrird at the age of 21, being
then a joureym+m machinist, working at 89 per week. In 1843,
vhen extremely poor, he first conceived the idea of a Ina-
hino for mewing. At first he invented a needle, pointed at
ath ends, with the eye in the middle, that should work Ip and down through the cloth, and carry the thread
hrongh at each thrust, but this did not form the corn-
non stitch. In October, 1844, he formed it rough wood and
sire model, which sewed by using I.wu Ihrruda, with the aid rf a shuttle tied carved needle, will, fie rye near the point. mu had
out the menus to boy the raw tuatrrial necessary to mrkc in rnacl+ine after his mlrIr 1. A friend, Mr. George Mixhrr, ndvaoccd
tine munvy, and hr, conlplr trd his first
luwiug uurchine in May, 1845. 'I'I+ix marhiuo xcmed till the
telling of two suits of woolen clothcx, and IIre mewing outaxtrd the cloth
Mr. Ilowe's invention mat with small; opposition and he Islas told that if this machine shl,uld prune successful it rs,ndd rrlhnc.c
all tailors to beggary. Its practical value wan also drmhted. It was smiled at as an iugonions toy, dlhem„h oununoceasion it
mewed five scams faster and lint m i I trim Iivy could be sewed by five of' the swiftest
n wl nl I hint, +goo lit he feared.        Ilowever, l+u succeeded in oh-
6ulllll:•a pldI+ltfor it in September, 1846. Still,nnt a        THE HOWE S
loss. n r ~ Idd Ile bd, and his friend Fisher—who had o.6.a.. I i n also i $',tRXI far tools and mutcrials, and to
nwnlllun tun I!run ly while ho wits complrtu+g his invention—became disheartened and gave tip all hopes of it.
In II,I,,Lri, Will, his brother, Amasa B. ]love, took till) machine to England, where it was approval
lunl pnlLmind by William Thumae, of Clvtpside, London, for 250 pounds sterling. This main +duo gave
MI 'I'Ir,.11„u,n the rigid. ICI Ilse ns rawly others in his business as lie drsired. Mr. Thoume then bad the invention patented in
England ; but Ire broke his prmnixe to pay Mr. Illrwo 3 pounds for every m+u.hire sold, and it low Ixrn estinmted that Mr.
'I'humax has received a profit of $1,O00,OW from till) 250 pounds he invested in this machine.
Being extremely poor, with It family to support, and receiving no encouragc.meut in this country, Elias Ilowo Jr., went to
Lendun with his family, in 1847, and there worked for Mr. Thomas, adapting the machine to the
h :
m+mtduetureof cursete. But owing to dishonorable treat-
mcnt, Mr. Rowe separated frorn Thontag, although his exi-
gencies were much that hit wax annpellyd to sell n Machine V        '~ l%”        fur four pounds, (though worth 50 pounds)
+rod also to
~•'.,~                pawn his first machine and letters potent, to pay his ex-
penses hack to America. lie retched New Yi,rk, nftrr
n        two yearti absence, in April, 1849, with belt liftyo,vids iuthe persevering genius of' Elias Rowe Jr., was ut lust ccmr
ponsnted, and this was at the rate of about 875,1HM)a year, But it cost hint vast emnx of money to defend his rights.
During the period from 1856 to the end of 1866, the number of Sewing Machines tirade in the United States was about 750,1)
00. But during only the three months ending Dec. 10, 1866, the nmnher toads by licensed Conn-
panics was 52,219, or, at the rate of 200,000 it year, at an
average price of $60 each. Of the three loading ('.um-
panies, in 1870, the largest munhcr was made by the
Ifowe Machine Company, they pnelucing in that year 75-
156. The number sold by the lluwe Machine Con+pany in 1873 reached the enormous total of 15:1,244, in one year; and
they now manufacture thorn at the rate of ahout 800 per day.
It is only upon a great scale that Sewing Machines can now be mule wl-ll nr profitably. About one-fifth of all nmdo in the
United 81 alts nine sent to foreign countries. Bone single estublishme+d.a in New England employ 500
mnchiurs, and the shirt-Inakers iu'I'roy, N. Y., run over
3,000 of than.

The Howe Sewing Machine  now nccamplixhex nearly every variety of wool, that the needle ever I!id, It
scions, hems, tucks, binds, viitulnes, quills, gnu herx, fells, hruids rmbroidrrs and nmkes l+utton-hales. It is used in the
mumd'ucture of every gnnnrut worn by brim, wonum or ehild;and among the singularly wide variety of nut ivies rondo by its
aid are mole leather trunks, men's and Indies' boots, Moslem and gaiters, harness, engine bane, firmcu's cups, horse cellars,
rnncinge curtains and linings, bnfll+io
robes, horse blankets, powder flanks, whips, saddles, nails, uwuingx, nailhags, rulises, limits, nips, curxelx, pucketbooks, kid
gloves, xnsprndcrx, Irnssrx, parasols, straw hats,
bwmrts, shirrs, and even the trout deliruto find tasteful
items of found,, apparel, fe., etc. from the strongest mud heaviest to the finest and richest fnbries. +S'otne of the finest
stitches +•uuuot be clnuiy sett without this aid of in magnifying glass.
The total value of the lahllr done by the smviug umrhine
in 1863, (war time,) wits $342,1100,0XNI; and an expert, under oath, testified, by carefule8titnatc, that its f'ur hack as
1862 mowing rnuuhinrs had sated in labor at bast $19,1)0001)0 it year. Let nn now rx+unioa and mature its I lutive
-        spend :--A good hand-newer averages 35 st itches in a min -
N G MACHINE,        ate; while the fnxtt'st n+achiurs on some kind of work, per-
form 3,000 stitches in the sumo time. To stitch a man's hat by hand takes 15 mum inntcn; try umchme only 1 Inn mute
and one girl can sew its many boys' hate by machine as tell men call by hand in the manic length of time. A first-class
overcoat requires six days steady sewing, by hand, arid only three days by numhinr.. lit the general work ofa tailor, the
rnachiuo saves ajuurneyman four hours in twelve.
For several years immadi+d+ly previous to his death, Mr. haws was actively engaged in increasing thin facilities for
manufaeturing the Howe sewing machines at
Bridgeport, Conn. Ile succeeded in organizing a cornpIcto system, comhinirig perfection of workmunehip with the largest
production, lit tl+e smallest cost. In order to
obtain thucr, results, time, mbar, money, and the cxperi-        '!4,41I
once of his life as a practical Mechanic were freely non-        I{
tributed; and, further to facilitate the manufacture and
sale, the IIuwa Machine Cmnpany was organized, and
the business is carried on in that name tender the super-
vision of his sons-in-law, Alden It. Stockwell, I'rrxidrul.;
and Levi S. Rtockwell, Treasurer of the Cotepa ly. 'I'hn        ^ nun+ber of lnmdx utn ployed nl. IL idg+op'lri, t L mo., -1a ml+
chinrx+don+n, ix "bunt. I,r.(X); ut I'san, ludiuuu no ell Ihn
wand walk opted, nko,17511, 611111uyr, .. NrndmA, ..a ten
,Janet anion, ,knl I,IAIU, sold In Now Y.•Ib +I , ulnnd        a
'itit I, .....ho.1'. I+ 1!!Inl ..l nllll        4,I will „I„ ialai u, nl.l+ all        1...
Machines above Made by the Frank and Co Buffalo N Y.

Combined Scroll and Band Saw
No. 2 Band Saw.
Double Surfacing, Tonguing and Grooving Machine.
Rip Saw Bench.
Pony Planer and Matcher.
Iron Frame Railway Cut-Off Saw.
Slitting Saw.        Band Saw for Ship Builders, etc.
'Tilt Improved Band Saw Machines.
Patented January 7th, 1864.
BAND SAW GUIDE. Patented January 7th, 1873.
Pony Planer.
Four-Sided Moulding Machine.
Iron Frame Tenon Machine.

Before calling the atti-ntiou of our readers iar- ticularly to tilt- merits of the machines represented un this page,
we wish to refer briefly to the extensive experience of the manufacturers, Messrs. Prank & Co., of Buffalo, N. Y.,
in the use find manotacture of Wood Working Machinery. After ten years practical
experience in the rise of this clans of ionchincrp, they commenced, and have continued to mm,iufncture and
use the same. Their exjs,rierme an manufacturers
covers a period of twenty years, and extends to every
department of the business, from designing and making th, patterns and castings, to finishing, testing, and
operating the. machines. Neither is their experience as nuamrfaeturere confined to the use of wood working
machinery alone, but to the laborious pro-
cons of working wood Iry hand, having devoted fourteen years to the
manufacture art sash and doors in that way.
They are, thus cuabled to npprreiate and meet the wants of those using wood-working machines, not only
more promptly, but more eatie1'actorily than their competitors with less experience. The limits of this article
fnrbirl cr making xpocial mention of but few of the great variety of machines manufactured by there. parties.
The popular idea of a planing machine, seems to have been, until a
very recent date, that of n huge mnxe of iron, weighing from three to
four tons, and egnnl is Size to it two horse lumber wa gun.        in fact,
those who gave the subject any consideration judged of the ,nwer, and capacity of the machine, an to the
amount and quality of the work it would perform, luninly by its size kind weight.
Messrs. Frank & Co., whunn machines are here represented, appreciating the necessity of a lighter and
cheaper machine tlmt would do the required work successflly, and be manufactured at a price sufficiently low
to is available by those whose means would not warrant the pur-
chase of mncbinrx then in the market, resolved, some twelve years au, upon the construction of a machine that
would meet this demand. lire result of their efforts in this direction, wall the production of the "Pony
Planer," represented on this page.
These, machines vary in price trots $100. to $lf5, and will surfuco from 10,000 to 18,000 feet of Iumber in ten
hours and do the work better than the average, of large planers. Moro than 1000 of these planers are now in
Use, in almost every State in the Union, in the Canada,,, Mexico, Cribs, England, Spain and Germany and
notwithstanding the great depression in hueinese the demand is still increasing.
This machine has a capacity for working lumber from Sixteen to twenty-four inches wide and from ooe-eighth
to six inches in thickness. Its extremely low price
brings it within the reach of parties of moderato
means, while it is so compact that it may be used in
shops too small to admit machines of the ordinary
size. Its Simplicity of cmietruetion is an admirable feature, as it may be easily and Successfully operated by
inexperienced men.
As the Pony Planer could do only plain eurfacing, but had demonstrated the fact that the power and capacity of n
machine were net in Proportion to its weight and price, there soon arose a demand for a cheaper and more
practical machine for planing and matching material for floors and ceilings, than was then manufactured. Tho
cost of such planers manufactured by other parties being from $500 to $3,000, they were too expensive for
most parties in want of machines for this 1mrpose. To meet the demand thus arising, Messrs. $ rank &
Company have perfected a machine which has proved a complete success, which they have very appropriately
named The ° Economist" (Bee rut on thin page.) The object of themmmfucturere was to construct a machine at
the lowest price possible, to have it efficient and durable, which they have
succeeded in accomplishing. This Planer and Matcher is sold at prices
varying from $275 to $a50, being the lowest price of any machine of equal
capacity and durability in the market. It pnxeeswm suf&cientstrength to
reduce the lumber one-half inch in thickness and one and one-half inch in
width, to accomplish which it requires hut fourhoree power. In proof of
this latter Statement, it may be said, it is driven with a four inch belt,
and pulley ten inches in diameter, on back counter shaft, with speed of
the cutter heads four, to the counter one.
Much care and judgment have been exercised in concentrating the principal part of the heft of this planer at the
point, where it is most needed, rendering it sufficiently strong for all practical purposes. It will plane and match
lumber as thick as two inches, or will surface that which is five and one-half inches thick.
It nay be very readily changed from matching to surfiming, find vice versa. As the matcher spiudlen do not rise
above the bed of the planer, it is not necessary to lower them after the heads are removed.
The guides are easily removed and returned to the Some position its they are brought to the same line by the
Use if dowel pins on the guides winch fit into corresponding pules in the planer frame.
The steps of the matcher Spindles run in it patent self-oiling box,
and the cylinder journals in C. Purdy's patent self-oiling boxes. It has
It Safe and reliable weighted chipper, of entirely new construction, which
has a wide range of adjustment, and every part of it may be easily reached for that purpose.
Those of our readers who desire further information should address Messrs. Frank & Co., of Buffalo, New York,
for their illustrated descriptive catalogue.
fank and co
Machines above Made by the Frank and Co Buffalo N Y.
Patent Improved Band Saw Machines.
BAND SAW  BAND SAW SETTING MACHINE, Carving Machine. To Carve Heads and other Ornaments.
FIRST & PRYIBIL'S (dealer name)

The nearer we can approximate a proper comprehension of the extent to which the products of the American
forests are being utilized, the better
can we appreciate the importance of the branch of industry represented on
this page. Within the memory of the readers of this article, wood working machinery of real utility was
comparatively unknown ; but a demand for an increased amount, as well as improved quality of work, created
a necessity for improved facilities for securing this result. This necessity, without which development in any
enterprise is very slow, has accomplished its purpose quite as satisfactorily in this as in any of the important
branches of manufacture.
Among those to whom this country is most indebted for the results of their genius and enterprise in this
respect is the well known firm of Messrs. First & Pryibil of New York City. A few of the great variety of wood
working machines manufactured by these parties are represented on this page. The limits of this article will
allow us to call special attention to but few of those here represented.
The exclusive control of most of these machines is secured to the manufacturers by Letters Patent. In
addition to the machinery here represented they manufactur.' all kinds of general and oval Turning Lathes,
Hard Wood and Waved Moulding Machines, Swing Saws, Sand Paper Rollers, &c., &c. A complete assortment
of the best constructed Pulleys, Hangers and Shafting, for fitting up entire Factories. may always be found
ready for immediate use at their warerooms.
Purschasers should appreciate the fact that all machinery manufactured by this house, is of the best
material, carefully selected, and the work done under
the personal supervision of the proprietors. The best
evidence of these, as well as of all mechanical productions. is the very large number now in use.
We would also call attention to their new and most approved Carving and Saw-Setting Machinery, Circular
Saw Tables, and Slitting Saws. on Bent Saw Principles, Bevel Hand Saws for Ship Builders, and
other wood working machinery equal to the best which the inventive genius of the age has yet originated.
Parties desiring further particulars; should apply for circulars to First & Pryibil. 461 to 467 West 40th Street,
cor. 10th venue. New Fork.
All Illistrations
on this page
are from the
origional Book
printed 1876
Asher Adams.
Asher and Adams
-Co-buffalo NY
frank and co
A-and-A-1876-pg-21--top H L Emery &
sons farm Machinery, NY
The International Exposition Centenial
grounds and buildings.
pg-09 top
Asher and adams 1876 Centenial.
18b-1876-pg-09-Agriculture Building Horticultural hall
first pic
The International Exposition Centenial
grounds and buildings.
pg-09 top