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Richard operating a ca.1877? Sloan and Chase
spur, face and bevel gear cutting machine.

By the Antiquemachinery Webmaster



cover--Under the first scan. Copyright 1948 Delta Catalog Cover
Scan by Webmaster

History, Delta Power Tools 1948



2222222How Quality Delta Power Tools 1948 are Manufactured--

Inside cover


Under the second scan.

Copyright 1948 Delta Catalog Cover -- History, Delta Power Tools 1948.     

 Delta-woodworking-1948-catalog-Inside cover pg 2


Powerfull accurate gri of alr uld-.'lloase, to assure Precision. 
Onachines insure absolute accuracy ter tables are ground twice; once es, then again after assembly with

'alignment of finished machine. One of the battery of heavy-duty production milling ma-chines which hel,
R,Jto make,: possible the world's. finest" light power tools at-extremely low 

Turned finishes are not good enough for our light power tools. All spindles, ar-bors, collars, etc., are
 precision ground to finished sizes on the most modern type of grinding machines such as this. 

All ball-bearing.seats,„„. other bores . sion fits a alignment are “diamon ' on. Precision machines, 
Pre-loading ball bearings to precision limits, to insure minimum -deflection of bearings arid maximum 
rigidity of shaft under load. 

MOdern high-production cision vertical broaChmg machine — pone 'P'ef man7 modern dutu 'n the

 f our power toels.

One of the many extra operations that- help to create the "hidden values" in our tools. Rotating parts, 
such as pulleys, etc., are dynamically balanced on this machine to-inzure smooth, true, accurate


in Practically every worth-while improvement in light power tools made in recent years has been
developed in this modern experimental shop, staffed with expert technicians and supetrvised by
 experienced engineers. 

Scan 1 not available, sorry dude

Scan of page 3 

Ball or Timken Tteo,r..• .,5—Properly Mounted 
The solid allot-steel arbors of our saws are •arried either !fit genuine Timken tapered - roller bearings or t5.: 
"Sealed-for-Life-New Departure ball bearings (no, merely shieldedbearings) There are no lubricat:,.a paob:erra watb
 these ball bearings, and they re-
auira no attention whatever dur-ing ,rieir entire life. All bear-ings are mounted in aa,trdance alt's the best b:til
-1,earing pea-eice merely mei= ted intea cheapest nossible we e, nigh some-times injures the ace Bracy of the 
bearings even betore they are used. 
Full-Length Fences—Locked Front and Rem 
Some circular saws have rip fences which barely extend be-yond the rear teeth of the saw blade, and which can 
be locked only at the front. In the opin-ion of many expert woodwork-ers such short fences are very dangerous,
 due to the release of pressure behind the blade, which 
And Used on BOTli 
Otna fences have a further advantage of great importance, They can be used on both sid.6e of the blade—which canno
t be done in many saws. This tea-

Many saws have guar as similar to the ,type  shown above. This guard must be, removed completely every time a dads,
 out is made or a moulding cutter used. The basket guard also cannot be used without the splitter. The mount-ing is
 often a weak and flimsy one, And 
tends to throw the work or the hand into the rear Law teeth. Our saw fences extend son-pletely across the table from
 front to rear, no that this danger is completely eliminated. They are locked frunt and raar, so that tl.ey are,
 practically solid with the table. 
  Sides of the Blade ure is essential to the ace of double-faced. 1, suldir.k cutters • cope hen,:ip 7,,,; the •ctraulal saw, and ',a 
or tar-at adit,..ltuts in a wide variee, af 
Guards that Really Protect the User Most small cie:alar saw guards are flimsy in design and conacrectio: and are 
actually more of a nuisance than a real qafety feature. Notice that our No. 863 afal No. 1165 guards are NOT mounted
 on a splitter, Where they must be re-moved completely for meet cross-cutting and for all dada and moulding work. 
  They are mounted in a solid, subetantial manner so that they cannot chatter ar vibrate into the saw, yet they are 
instantly moteed out of the -stay for dado and similar war '_ without removing them from the machine. Not-i.--e also
 that they may be used either with the aplittar o vithout—and that the splittermay be used alene. We believe that
 this is the 'ethest guard ever de-signed for saws of this-type. 
Many Other Features that can More Satisfaction for You 
  Cons "Auto-Set" miter gage, vtoddy int lecl_,,,by others, but the only al-rer gage offing you individually ad ;.;
stable stops, to assure you of absolute accuracy in setting. And the adjusting ihe table insert, which enable you 
to set the insert exactly level with the table, :Consider the "bidden values" - -14a,extra. machining, for accuracy
 (like the of th.± 1,--,b1,2-insert opening, s; teaying this -jusi. aough)—the o4: the bail-bearing seats accuracy. 
  Consider the extra convenience at the controls—like our adjustable cia.T.L.1, han-dles and our graceful, large-size
 operatMg cranks. Consider the advantage of being able to mount our tilting-table saws on neat, compact stand together
 with a jointer and to be able to run them both from below with one motor. Contrathe details of design shown above an
 1 on the following pages with those you will find in any similar saw anywhere. We believe you will then re-alize the
 extra value built into these saws! 

In our saws guides are completely machined, grooved or dovetailed and provided with adjustable gibs as in other high
-grade machine tools. 

Saw arbors in our 10" saws are com-pletely machined out of solid-steel forgings—no loose flanges. They are mounted in
 sealed-for life ball boar-hags, which never require lubrication 

O-ar rip fences run completely across the table from front to rear. Not only that, but they can be locked so firmly to
 the front and rear guide bars that they become as rigid as the table itself. 

:Far very subs, luzial guard is carried on ::a str,ne, Betsy apport rod and a heavy, rigid bracket. o. 
The splitter, with its kick-back angers oan be used alone. The guard basket can also be used without the splitter—
or basket guard and splitter can be used together to suit any type of work. Instantly out of the way, 
and instantly back in place. 


Page 5

Page 5
Original Development Delta was responsible for the original development of the light power tool into a machine of real
 utility for the small workshop, the school, the laboratory, the contractor and manufacturing plant. 
Best Design and Construction Delta tools have always been of high-grade design and construc-tion. We have never made 
"cheap" tools, but from the first have concentrated on the manufacture of tools of the finest possible design—at the 
lowest possible price consistent with high quality. This policy has produced machines which, while they cost very little
 above "cheap" tools, are machines that are inexpensive to own. Improvei‘ents in Power Tools Practically every worth-while 
improvement in light power tools during the past twelve years has been developed, introduced and 'ny cases patented by Delta.
 This is a plain statement of hat can easily be verified. Many of these developments been adapted by others—but it is only
 in the Delta ma-. nes that -:a.:1 be found the features that make Delta design a .1 imr -,,,ement. Because of the patents
 on our original im-tits, many imitations lack the features that make Delta designs superior in performance and utility. 

Superior Features The details of Delta design, developed by;Icnowledge, research and experience, can be shown to be superior,
 feature by feature, over those of any-other make, 
Concentration Concentration on a single type of product has made possible the production of the finest light power tools it
 is possible, to buy—and has made possible the growth of this company to the dominant position in the field. 7b.e. Delta M2
:ni':acturing Com-pany is the largest manufacturer light power tools exclusively. 
Knowledge and Experience No other manufacturer making light power tools has so wide a knowledge or experience in the field.
 The value of this is shown by a simple fact: There have been fewer changes in the design of individual machines of our make,
 during the life of the tools, than in those of any other maker. This is because the tools are right to start with—and this 
is due to five factors: Widest knowledge and experience. Exceptionally careful design. Ad-vanced engineering. Unusual production
 facilities. Thorough testing before introduction. 
Rememite4 —Other machines may look like Delta's, on casual inspection, but the hidden value of Delta de-sign, as well as the
 more obvious advantages of the ma-chines, make Delta machines, dollar for dollar, the best light power tools you can purchase
 for any purpose. 
Exa-`1; the same combination of advanced engineering and modern production methods that produces a high-grade automo-L .,cod
 t'- produce Delta power tools. A modern plant, modern :.ion machinery, quantity production—plus wide knowledge and skill—
these are the reasons why you .ouch in Delta machines at such low cost. 
,tot than that, the details of Delta design and construction --.1 values that may not be apparent on the surface. r ..iany
machines have ball bearings—but Delta ma-chines ..re et,t peed with "sealed-for-life" ball bearings, which -ompleiPly sP out 
dust and dirt, and completely eliminates n pr. dems. They are not merely shielded bearings. Furtit2.c a our ball bearings are
 mounted correctly and 
accordance with the best ball-bearing practice, not—as in many machines—in such a manner as to distort the bearings before 
they are even put into service. We also go to additional expense to "pre-load" our bearings, in order to insure minimum 
deflec-tion and maximum rigidity under load. Still further, we do not consider that plain boring and reaming of ball-bearing
 seats is good enough for Delta machines—so we "diamond-bore" all bearing seats to insure absolute accuracy and precise alignment.
 Diamond-boring is used also for many other operations where precision fits are required. This is only one example out of hundreds,
 in which the detai"' of Delta design and construction insure a definitely BETTzR machine. 

' • 1;329 01,2• ',.i24 1,902,270 1,906,190 
1,910,651 1,925,477 1,930;022 1,938,548 1,938,549 1,941,417 1,947,885 1,959,199 
1,963,688 1,964,651 • 1,964,652 1,967,791 1,969,827 T,975,562 1;984,500 1,992,726 
2,007,8-87- 2,020.219 2.020,222 2,025,834 2,032,233 2,040,718 2,045,422 
2,069,395 2,073,430 2,085,131 2,085,235 2,085,236 2,099,321 2,106,288 2,108,086 
2,122,966 2,168,282 Des. 85,847 Des. 89,818, Des. 1,4,782 Des. '18,280 Des. 99,614 Des. 102,402 
Des. 105,429 Des. 105,621 Des. :107,80'5 Des. 109,621 Des. 117,4•/, Des. 117,461 Canadiar,, P., tents -314,585--1931 348,

1 --t9 3 4 4-1934 1'7 251.531-1935 354,2', 7-1935 354,274 --1935 359,682-1937 370,828--193Z:..• ,e-ur 

,Tactory, Milwaukee. Prices shown in this catalog supersede those quoted previous to October 1, 1939. ..
4 prices sublect to change without notice. The right " 'served to make changes in design or equipment at any time. 
without incurring any obligation to ins`,.ti these on machines previously sold. , Any sales tax imposed su 'vest to the 
Publication of :this catalog will be additional to quoted prices. 'C':1'11 Q-3 7-40 Printed in the United States of America 


Page 5

BEST SAW MADE: This 10-inch Tilting Arbor saw _ Most Exacting Demands Of The Craftman Cuts Stock 31/4 in. 
This fine saw is a real man-size machine, with its husky 20 by 27-inch table, its sturdy tubular rip-fence guide bars—and
 all the features that have won such a reputation f9r the-8-inch saw-- PLUS greater capacity and added conveniences. 
Designed for craftsmen who need and *hand, tliest.,, there is in workshop equipment, this 10-inch Qtomlar, sari* Was built with
 just one thought in mind: To prn4uce s c that wOuld offer more accuracy, more capacity, mcsreef more" built-in VALUE than any 
similar saw on the market, regard-less of price! That this object has been achieved will be recognized by every mechanic and 
craftsman as soon as the No. 1160 circular saw is examined with care. From the heavy-walled tubes that fort, the 

rip-fence guide bars—a full 13/8 inch in diameter, and stronger to resist bending and torsional stresses than any other section 
of equal' weight--to the hidden but important solid-forged alloy-steel arbor with its self-sealed New Departure ball bearings,
 every detail ha:, teen worked out tc give the utmost satisfaction to the use'. The "Micro-Set" rip fence is carried on a heavy
 casting at the front, locked to the front guide bar by a neat cam lever with a Bakelite ball handle. The rear lock is operated
 from the front also, 5,-.1 that the hands never need be near the blade when locking the fen,.:e. -And it is impossible for this
 fence to move or spring. The miter gage is the famous "Auto-Set" miter gage, with IN-DIVIDUAL adjustments for 45 and 90-degree 
settings. Crosscuts Stock 12 Inches Wide 
From the saw blade to the front edge of the table, the table surface measures wide, so that stock a full 12" wide and 3,/,r thick
 can be cut easily, s',itl?. full bearing: on the table surface for both the_ work and the 
miter gage. And, in providing ade-quate surface in front of the blade, this has not been done at the expense of the rear surface,
 for there are .5" of table behind the blade to support the work as it leaves the saw. 
®• 1160'..=age "Micro-Set" Rip Gage, graduated front rip-gage; •10" Ball--bearing Circular Saw, with "Auto-Set" Miter .guide. bar
 and plain rear guide bar. Without motor, $55.85 belt,' Motor pulley or saw guard  'Shipping Weight 190 lbs. Code Word TENSE. rio.
 560 - 17-belt (56" inside circumference)  1.00 Shipping Weight 1 lb. • Code Word EICVB. No. 5500 5" V-pulley for motor. 1,4" bore 
 Shipping Weight 1% lbs. :Code Word PUI.011. .75 *V ..-,411 Steel stand (Top 7% "x157/8"; 24" high) ...... . ... 1% 3. b) 
Shipping Weight 30 lbs. Code Word LABS'.. 6.85 IN1,- 530 V-belt (53%" inside circumference)   ,p. - 1 0 0 -- Shipping Weight 1 lb. 
Code Word BELT. - (Note: No. 530 belt must be used with 10" saw on No. 891 F _a:: -z. NO. 510 PeT.t is used with 10" saw on No. 
1168 stand.) No 1173 Belt Guard for No. 1160 saw on No. 89. stand... „ .. 7.85 Shipping Weight 36 lbs. Code Word TE•fi,:-. No 1175
 10" Circular-Saw Unit, consisting of No. 1160 Circu, • lar Saw, No. 530 V-belt, Na. 5500 V-pulley and No. 891 Steel Stand. Without
 motor, swt.7,1). rf,d m- saw guard. Shipping Weight 250 lbs. Cede Word ^."1-JICSQ $64-A5 No. 9000 or 8050 (old No. 820 and 1120) 
motorz reelittr,,.ended for this ,!...4,- chine for ordinary use., For heavy duty specify No. :, . i)t, (9"Id .No. SZ' ) tic.  9200 
(old No. 1094) No. '9400 (old No. 922) or /'•o.- !.)-5;12 (old. La. :151.!:, 64 -17 I- and 1-H.P. motors. See pages 28-30. 

(Table saw  PAGE 5

Delta pg 6-DELTA se Va s Why •we ^.s• "fibbed, Mac} 

LIKES : Ds?' 
,Il find me today in chasten th. pro' at th or c 

char • Z, r ering th, - 4)eed The chose, meat, 1.eirt 
Then a r, M ayr o ing `o the be, hat e .1 en tAls s.., .one thou g, ,..1- 3factt :r a goon ma, • hine.. the ialsie is ele•rated lo.. el on machined ways. • Worm-Get, Tilting The table is positively tilted 1,.• mean., of a worm and rack, ton worm operate, by means of ...nother comfortable ball crank. Accurate and convenient etched scales are provided for height and tilting adjustments, each provided wttli an acii•tatable pointer for accuracy. The ad-justable height pointer is espe-cially useful for dad, and simi-lar work. Quick-Acting Inserts Table inserts are fitted in ma-chined openings in the table—not rough cast holes. They are instantly snapped in or out with a touch of the finger—no screws to loosen. And (U. S. Pat. No, 1,020,222) they as, provided with • adjusting screws ao they may. be, made to lie perfectly flush. React Rip-Fence Lock The patented construction not only provides a rigid rip fence, locked to the guide bars at front and rear, but in this saw all the fence controls are at the front—no reaching over the saw bh.de to loosen or tighten the reg.,. 10.. , More convenience and safety 
..ign Advantages Foun '....zrnallcable Tilting Tat P., ..),SS CUTS IV' WIDE RIPS 31/ 


Panel with Standard Gt in -10" size—are too small signing" h,is -_, ,A d,ced• a 2Q •y 27 inch table the-;_tandord...-,. front. of 'the.. blae—the "; cc- e" where surfac• ',cost needed,.there is 12%" of so that a 12" boa, crossei4.-s stipported in its by the tabL„ar gage also has ample be miter ,. .table. ample. surfacItHiF—in back of th< The table f i,,,,,.a,iits0:Ceptionally heavy ribt . . ,-side bars are a typical improver Heavy 1A" diameter, chosen becau mac' resist bending and torsional . tea than - ..ii,,,:section of equal weight. They th the faire . in uerfect alignment under all ell :117 11, - 3-TANI4ARD guide bars, the saw wi center of a 50"-pi ° the'necessity of chi bars. 

Photo at left sho tilted to 45 deg. scientifically ribbe heavy table, swing sive trunnions:  Th ':eli; le the one that sa,f0egdof hae vsearNYr 11; table tilts in the 
table surface. 
4141. 511W, INCREASED CA'',2"ACI`s.,:t nzat. Space Right Where It Is F2-,3n- 04 Saw Blade—Large R ping Cdr, :,;city Or Remover 
The cross-cutting of wic:e. boards on the ordinary 8-inch circular saw has always presented a problem for the user. The No. 866 extension attachment was the first economical and, practical solution of this problem. Economical because it enabled the man who needed extra csacity on This table to obtain it economically, without penalizing the user who used his saw only for small work! •,-,-actical because the table exte,ion the room in front of the , wh c is needed. Side wing:: added to • - the width of the table are of no or this purpose, as the problem of _quatc room for wide boards • . remoras. The real utility of this extension becomes even more apparent when a wide board must be mitered seen-rstely—a job that cannot be done at all on crony saws. As the photo above shown 
the mitering of a panel 13 or 14 would be practically impossible tension, because neither work nor have any support, and accurate thus be out of the question. Next to cross-cutting. the next tant problem for th. use ripping large panels and similar no ally either most do this "by eye,"• souse kind of extension table•botl satisfactory. . A longer rip-gage body is used with e With the extension bars in pia wide as four feet can be ripped clt ter with accuracy and speed, and accurately guided and adequate) during the operation. 
No. 866 =tonzptiTillpment, with long rip feriae bar only, aiireated 1..!oTtr, Shipping Weight 22 lbs. Oecle War 

pg 7

• f This P dvanvhe crafts 

Overall Dimensions: 23" Front to Back. 18U" Wide 11" High 

60 Ckcuiv.r Saw 

878 Unit 
A cross-section through the arbor. housing, showing how the heart of the silo is built for real heavy duty and for maximu, 
Read All of 3.a.Pcjiats: They Are Important to 
1 . sfhetiFe"saatweabti'dietY You need it most-for cross-boards-together with the tremendous ripping ca-by the rip-gage extension, are _fully covered by our pa.tents. L v in ehtS,circular saw can yon obtain these patented a.dvanzage. construction and design-concrete evidence of its superior' &Pat. No. 1,938,549). rip-gsg, extension, which gives the user all the ad-1Yr-cTeo:i'tetdabg' tVethabicvihi!ageiliFsh.t 4t.11 canto... ,r thosf, adantages in any other manner. '(Pat. No. 1,896,$24,-and No. 1,538,548). An original design, the wonderful "Auto-Set" miter gage is also -fully patented Both the massive design and the auton,atic stops. which make this tbe most convenient. Ati..,1-t'Pot,r2'5,8'1.g)a..rd';'n°.tl'eatte.dN41."3?Cf‘,Tift31.. 
No. 880 vinzsi,!..ualf:ersy.,ge-7-Aiit;o:Y-Adde., justment Rip Cage and Arbor Pull,' t39 QC complete as shown in photo Above..... Shipping Weight 91 the. Code Word NEOSA. 
 5500r,:,"ieeici.t Spe ify bore wanted. specified tore far-
Shipping Weight 1t lbs. Code Word PLTL011. No. 560 V-Belt, 22%" center' to center.... . . .... Shippine- Weight 1 Ib. Code EICVB. No. 862 Ct2n_"srol"PtIl?nTtnPLIO'ili''11.•gitIttM: and-rip gauge bar' or standarsd guide bars. Shipping Weight 110 Code Word NNCWX. No. 9000 or 8050 Motor recommended for this machine. See pages 28-30 for .•,lotor and Switch-rod Prices. • 
4., w.o&c.)7i. the ga-ge, which absolutely prevents an, of the work away from~tho Ve"8t1'attachn', byg.■o.19010). (Cae.rat.,,  • vantages, amongst which are its self-aligximor,, • 5 The patented rip-gage has a nanab a er of import uations and adjustable pointer, its rear • ' micrometer adjustment, disengaged at will, -1", a foe ri_Nt0-3:168r8e,a1 close adjustment fora&curato 
The patented table truhnior gbsltePnrci.rforn•il'eliai,dei' 970,6;::3. E54 h at, o g 
1,3.8 3. .0.1111b, 
moving the tabto insert when the'.'eobl is raised and tilted the riP-gago . with the saw blades. (U. S. Pat. 

Na. 878 Circuku,Saw Unit - The No. 860 Circular Saw inc-:anted on its individual stand_; Is a cry 'Popular unit. It is es,,lally convenient in the pro- Cession and school shop, as ft is completely port Our No. 9000 (5 }LP. Repu,,ion-Inductio y insnded• 'or use with this unit. Use No. 1331. No. 873-8" Timken-Bearing Ch;.-17:r1 r ,., -- rtilaa.- ,•‘• ... .......... .. , r S Un t. i Includet ae Cic $32.85 v-pull,, .,,i" bore    .75.1 :q) V-I•leit, r.278” center ,c, ce,iter„. 1....VO.'"' •i• =,;.., and (without ,ute' -,-,-,-,1, Uctt,,,-,A :- -4.75 • 3.29 'd'IY: itions. (Stand :,,,- Lin,''''ToP ',,,,,,,411 Shipping Weight 112 Ihs, jr.frat: 01,),(1 L,;giifir`,.."' .,  Tatal . . ............  :  


Page 8

 Saw Operations Safe and Accurate Va!rtfc done Zly me;,' .` AC,....-JRATE I MITER GAGE ADDS CONVENIENCE 

page 8
in cutting tenons is done away wit.. mt. :enoning Attachment. This con-sists c , which may be fastened to the base plate oti ; 11%6 hi.ling Jig, and this, in turn, is guided by the grooaba in the saw table. The stock to be tenoned a: ca_unpea, by means of a quick adjustment against an accura:.ely machined surface so that it is exactly verticaD and parallel to the 6a.'.V blade—no chance for twisted tenons the whale attachment is fed to the blade by means of a conveniera. ' nile at the rear. The work is fed to the saw with one haaa t removed from the revolving blade. There, IS no need for hand• to be anywhere near the saw blade:* at any time, and thrs every possibility of accident is removed from the The attachmer., tal--t stock up to 2%" thick, any width within the capacii_y of tieiaaw, and tenons to 2" long on an S" ,saw. With 'he use or No. 1171 spacing collars and n extra aaw , or %" ti...atna can be cut at one pass. 
No 1170 Tel:area 'or use witit'•No.- 1186 Sliding Jig. ooasists of all parts as shown $7.75 abovv without base plara  Shipping Weight 20 lbs. Code Word TENJG. No. 1172- Tenoner complete with base plate 11.25 Shipping Weight 32 lbs. Code ii"i" )rd TENBP. No. 1 171 Spacing collar set (one and one .75 %" collar)   Shipping Weight 10 oz. Code Word TENCO. 

The c1--,nap attachment assures perfect safety in cross cutting and mitering, because the gage, carrying the clamped work, can be slid into the cut with one hand, back of miter gage. The hand need never be in front of the miter gage or near the blade—and it is only on this gage with clamp attachment that this is true. With every other gage it is necessary to have one hand in front of the gage to hold the work. With this clamp there is no spoilage Joe to slippage — once clamped yot• kn.() t will be true and accurate. e_ -:;e boards it is of tre -- use it once and you r 1 -ithout it again. 
No. 86 Miter Gage Clamp Attach-rnont, consisting of Clamp Lana two Tiding  Clamp Screws, Front, nufa Rear Posts, to fit $1.fat5 No. 86 Miter Gage only  Sr'p. Wt. 21/2 lbs. Code Word NECLA. No 873 Extra Cl-inip Serew and Block fo• Clamp At-titchmeat   
.45 Wt 4 ',zs. Co,i_ NECCS. 


The first automatically indexed miter gage ever offered, and the only one with individually adjustable index stops, the "Auto-Set" Miter Gage offers the following unique advantages: 1. Unique tapered pivot insures close fit for entire life of gage, thus preserving accuracy. 2. Massive body, heavier than many gages on production machines, gives full support and will not spring. (7:.•es. Pat. No. 89,818). 3. Individual automatic stops (U. S. Patent No, 1,902,170; Canadian Patent No. 340,750) make precision job of cross and miter-cutting. Only miter gages made under our pat-ents have individual index adjustment, a necessity for absolute accuracy. 4. Heavy %" by sii" bar, very rigid and strong, 17 long. 5. Full A" ai--fei,er stop rods, with two heavy clamps, not flimsy w:res that are'ageless for accurate repetition work. 
No 864 50 Auto-Set" Miter Gage, with %." ,i" bIar, two rods with clamps. Fits any table , with i•,"x -14" groove   43 Shiapiug. Weight 41/2 lbs. Code Word NECK', 

The of the No, 403 i,tortiser Rt, your No. 860 (jircular Saw enabxe yed to perfor cult operation.:; with :Baa:eg, routiay, mortisi, coe,nter-borra--‘ iiaejung, aanding and many oth•-a: as are performed 4, this attachment with accurac., aiay be :la:anted ander baz,e i.rhe . it may bi. used a'one on stand or eench—there convenient ways in which it ean be used. I:a,* adapteu en the No. 110( saw. - 

458 ,Morhaser and Router cnly, includes .s.rt,r, everything shown in the photo Shipping Weight 42 lbs: Code Word MORRO. 483 VaBeia for above; Center to center dis-tance,17%"   .$ .90-, Shipp:77..g Weight I lb, C•afie Word MO1.B1,.. 583 V-Beit fea' ciaaniaa saw, when Morti,air is used with Unit Na. 368 (No. 560 belt is then too short) Center to .:,enter distarr-- 24" -   $1.10 Shippit Weigla. 1 lb. Code Word FORBL. 
461 Poe -Power Feed o, 458 Mortiser firs our Steel Stands   Shipping Weight 8 lbs. Code Word MORFE. 

Page 9

GUARDS Provide The Maximum Patin-6 -r-w 

A These guards may be swung completely back and out of the 1.11 in a second's time, and as quickly swung back when needed. They need never be removed for any reason. 
These Circular-Saw Guards 2,007,877) have been praisee,' as the only guards that really prote t user, while at the same time they do tt fere with his work. No other guard.. know of offer all the features of thes, meet the very exacting requirements y k The new "Anti-Kickback" attachment (right) Wor  an integral part of the splitter for the 10" saw, est is ‘revents the work being kicked back against the _Derator if the kerf pinches on the saw b-a-te. is invaluable when sawing poorly sea-.on.tu or trped wood. The kickback finge,c take all _ark from the thinnest strips up to the full --"opacity of the blade, and adjust themselves to the work without any attention on the part of the operator. 
Industrial Commissions. 
No. 863 Swing Guard for No. 860 Cir-cular Saw, complete with bracket, support rod, pivot arms, guard basket, collars and screws. Ship. Wt. 9 lbs. Code Word NECGA $4.85 No. 877 Splitter Attachment for No. 860 saw, consisting of 3 split-ters, 2 collars for support rod, and kick-back fingers. Shipping Weight 3 lbs. Code Word NECK/  $2,75 
No. 1165 Swing Guard for No. 1160 Circular Saw, with bracket, support arm, pivot bracket, basket, col-lars and screws. Shipping Wt. 19 lbs. Code Word TENSE. $11.50 No. 1166 Splitter Attachment for No. 1160 Circular Saw, consisting of three splitters, anti-kickback and col-lars for support arm. Shipping Weight 5 lbs. Code Word TENSL 4'•3•75 
HOLLOW GROUND SAW BLADES Ideal for fine and accurate work. The teeth have no set, and the work comes from the saw ready to put together, unless of such rine character that it requires This blade is intended for fine work only; it is not suitable for rough cutting. Properly used and cared for it will do the highest grade of work. 8' H.)How-Ground Blade for No. 860 Cir-cular Saw, %" arbor hole  $5.50 Shipping Weight 1% lbs. Code Word 51001'. No. 1016 R50Hsoallivo,w5A-9,rohuoilied Blade, for No. 110 or   $6.50 Shipping Weight 2 lbs. Code Word TENSR. 


Elea Back and Splitter The shown > is the only practit.:..i type:-It comes in three thicknesses to suit saws - different sets, it may he or detached in a mommt may be used either with or without the bank,-t, and it floats to accommodate itself to the kerf. 
CO:...6:NATION SAW BLADES Combination Saw Blade rips and cross-cuts equally well. Serves a very useful purpose for ,Emeral work. Teeth have proper set. gaii of high-grade steel, properly tempered. No 325 8" Combination Rip and Cross-cut Blade, for No. 800 Cir- $3.00 cular Saw, %" arbor hole  ShipVng Weight 1% lbs. Code Word EIC13L. No 1015 10" Combination Rip and Cross-Cut Blade for No. 1160 for 1450 Circular Saw. %" arbor $3.75 hole. Shipping Weight 2 lbs. Code Word TENSP  
No. 1017 10" Rip, for 1160 saw. TENSS. 2 lbs  3.75 No. 1018 10" Crosscut, for 1160 saw. TENST. 2 lbs. ...... .. 3.75 No. 334 8" Rip, for 860 caw. EICBR. 13', lbs   3.0d No. 335 8" Crossent, f( r 260 sew. MCP": 1% lbs '.ey) Ahjve bladed have %" arbor hole. 
CUTTING WHEELS for .., Etc. Abrasive Cutting Wheels wi'i freely :.nd fast all of the ma.teria`s ,fisted below, :nd many other material,- ,„11 are A" thick, " diameter, and hay, , arbor hole nnig. Bonded with genui.ue synthciie resin; should of be confounded with shellac-bond wheels. No 223 Ff" Cutting Wherl,...V. thick, %" hole, for cutting vitriiige brick, cast iron, sand cores, slate and ple : glazed 7q tile. Sh ,p. Wt. 11/2 lbs BAKEC  225 8" Cutting Wheel, thick, %" hole, for ort+.r2e, metal, steel cubing, burdened steel. st elUte, ste,n steel, aluminum etc. Sh. lbs. Code ;`LAKES" Nv r il•)1P. for. r-eelain, bar-I ra'tber, bras, tubing, rgppe..., ',rhea r hronae. Ship. Wt. 1% lbs. Coe, Word Boots'. s" Cutting Wheel, ,,`," thick. %" hole, foe cut- $1.75 No  soft steel and wi ought iron  '.vg weight 1,14 lbs. Cede Word BAKED. 
FOR ABRASIVE GUTTING WHEELS No. 2.10 Abralarc Wheel Guar', .a.th bracket std sne.& A 4, fit No. 860 Circular Saw, 61°`-it ..,L0 Ship. Wt. 12 lbs. Code Wuoi BAK17J. No 231 Top Guard casting only. Used wherever saw is al-. ready fitted with eircularsaw guard, Fits only Nc. 318 or No. 860 Circular Saw   $2.50 Ship. Wt. 7 lbs. Code Word GURDA., 147n Bent Art' std Bracket """ fit. No. 1155 Abrasive wheel Guard to No. 1450 Saw. $6.50 Sb. Wt. 14 lbs. Code TILGA. No. 1156 Bent Arai and Bracket to N. 1105 Abra-sive Wheel Guard fit No. 1160 Saw. Shipping Weight 15 $.85 lbs. Code Word TENG13  `P NO.qg Abrasive Wheel Guard, cast, for No. 1160 or 1450 Saw, $4.50 - - -- less arm and bracket. Sh. Wt. 11 lbs. Code TENGA. 
The guard is made of heavy cast, iron, completely closed so that no particles can be thrown out. 

DOWNS FIEEP FINGERS FROM LI:R.DE This ottschment consists of clamp rtztio fits either side of the saw table, and which carries adjustable springs to bear on the work. One spring is adjusted to tress the work to the fence and the other to pros. It down to the table. With this attachment the bagors need never come near the revolving blade at all. 
°ago tur--1 
No 871 Hold-Down for No. 860 gr.d 1160 Saws, with clamp, brack-$2.60 eta and springs ........ , . Ship. Wt. 43', lbs. Code Word NECHO. 
Note: To adapt No. 983 shaper hold-dowd to fit circular saw, order the following parts. NCS-315-S Clamp Bracket, each  .75 DP-331 Short rod (1/2"x6-Ps") each  .20 NOS-316 Long Rod (35"x114" each.. .2,, 

For C1710:1g of gitir°V2°V'711. f-ro to Ernd 13 ' oSgp, ith cr wit', • ^,cross . toe finest steel, carefully hardened and tempered inc s spe-cial yoe inside cuter. Fits 860, 1160 and 1400 sr, wg. N,. 333 0' Dade :dead. consisting of two outerthick, " test Inside cutters 4" thick, one inside l4" thick and cue thick. To cut grooves from 4" to 14", adganei, .,v With %" holes to fit Na-'860 and 160 Circular Sew. Sh:p, keg Weight 3% lbs. f• de Word EICDA, 0 No. 87,* "'able Inseet for No. 860 Circular Sew  Shippin.t Weight 1% lbs. Code '0, ord NEODA. No 1:6-2 Table for- No-Se . Sh!„..ping Weight 1% lbc Pode Werd TENT`  No 14S2 i Insert for No. 1460 Sgw .... .... — • Shipping Weight 11/2 lbs. Code Word TILTC. 

page 9

Page 10

her. the heal , are afe- -- A perfect r-teilldiVx. -rnay duced o- pass the or, if the r deep one, I) 8..0 flr more pre-,-;.. The atachrnent is such a practical on--3 that it is used in hundreds of producion shops, yet it is priced within tl'e reach of every small shop. A special solid-steel head 
Li e F Of Different Shapes Made On Your LTA to Vatte _his Inexpensive Attachment done a - 9 V' ORK 

,,,vailable 411 production or heavy-- w, .:hing to get out of or-' t'- tool: e.nd it is extremely oration because only the .ting edges of the knives are and even this is covered is being run. En-c tell us that it makes saws into first-class moulding As seen at the right, the knives may hc, used singly or in combina-tion to produce almost any type of exterior, interior or cabinet mould-ings. This illustration shows only a few of the hundreds of moulding shapes that have been produced with this wonderful tool. 


The knife shapes (originated by us) shapes can be made with only four sets Additional knives are available as below. 
The new Heavy-Duty Steel Cutter Head is shown above. This type of bead should always be used for heavy work and for production use, in preference to the lighter head designed for borne-workshop use. 
are so designed that hundreds of of knives, as shown to the right. 
Light-Duty Moulding Cutter Sets Light Duty Sets For Home Workshop Use Only 
No. 858Moulding Cutter Set. to Et arbor of No. 860 circular saw. Complete with four sets of high-speed cutters, styles A, B, C and D, oval table insert, micro-guide fenco, collar, wrench and complete $15.55 instructions   Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word MOLDY. 
No. 262 Moulding Cutter Set for other makes of circular saws with arbor up to %I" diameter. Price in-cludes boring up to 1/5", %", %" or 133" diameter. Does not include table in-sert or guide fence. Specify bore wanted   $11.90 
No. 1169 Moulding cutter set for No. 1160 Circular Saws. Same as No. 858, but without fence (wood facings are used on standard fences of these saws when moulding cut-$12.50 ter is need)   Ship. Weight 8 lbs. Code Word TENMO. 
No. 1456 Light-duty Moulding Cut-ter Set for No. 1450 Cir-cular Saw, with light-duty head, 4 sets of cutters, table insert, collar and wrench  $12.60 Ship. Weight 8 lbs. Code Word TILTO. No. 868 Moulding Cutter Fence, 20%" long. complete as $3.50 shown above for No. 860 saw.. Ship. Weight. 3 lbs. Code Word MOUHJ. i Ship. Weight 7 lbs. Code Word NIOCFE. 
Heavy-Duty Moulding Cutter Sets Heavy Duty Sets For Production Or Continuous Use No. 859 Heavy-Duty Moulding Cutter I No. 1158 Heavy-Duty Moulding Cat-Set for No. 860 Circular Saw. ter Set No. 1160. Same Same as No. 858, %" bore, but with as No. 1169, but with heavy-duty beavy-duty steel cutter head, $17.30 steel cutter head, without collar. $14.25 without collar   Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word MOUHM. No. 1458 Heavy-Duty Moulding Cut-No. 267 HeavyDuty Moulding Cutter ter Set for No. 1450 Cir. Set. SaDme as No. 262, bat cular Saw. Same as No. 1456, but with with h,-p y-duty steel cutter $13.65 heavy-duty head; without $14.35 head, without collar   collar   Ship. We,--.41; 5 lbs. Code Word AE017E113. Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word TILTJ. All ' avy-duty beads %" bore. Extra for %" or %"  .75 
Ship. Weight 12 lbs. Code Word MOUHL. 

Extra Cutter Heads and Inserts No 249 ,.iould'ug Cutter Head only, No. 872 Moulding Cutter Insert only. with screws, to fis %" arbor, to fit No. 860 cir- $ .95 with collar. Brea not include $2.10 Mar saw   wrench or cotte  I  Ship. Weight 1% lbs. Code Word NECIO. Extra ffr boxing 14", %" or %"... .75 No. 1162 ms:glgim.tigNoCult1t61 saw $1.10 Ship. Weight 1% lbs. Code Word TENSG. No. 1453 :aeorV;TigNoCu. 1450 ;11; $1.20 
Ship. Weight 18 oz. eoCe Word MOUHA. 
No 263 Heavy-Duty 6°11d-steel heed only, 4k %" arbor. With- Ship. Weight 15/s lbs. Code Word TILTD. out wrench or cutter  Not furnished in %" bore Extra for borhttr %" or '1/3"  Ship. Weight 2 lbs. Code Word MOUST. 
No. 1521St. Wt. 6 oz. WRENB.$ .15  Wrench   
No. 245 Collar   W Sb. Wt. 6 oz. COLLA. $ .15 

Extra Sets of Cutter Blades Cutters come in sets of three matched blades. Being made of high-speed steel (not carbon steel) they will cut thousands of feet of moulding be-fore dulling. All these knives may be used with shaper cutter head No. 1343 1 sted cn Page 19. 5/6 P1 1 0 1 . I6--- -, 1 1/0 A 1/2 ' >'-\6..../ i 0 _ S  1/ C 1/1. i C. I, D 3/6 'X'"'\ / I 1 e-, 'L.) . No 24_I N. 250 No. 251 No /69 No. 253 3/ 6 E ,0 i f No. 255 G H .• ' I No 254 N. 256 No. 257 No. 258 1/21 K or 1/ .' L No. 263 3/8. M 819, 264 3/166 N IR. Ne. 259 No. 261 Ne.269 No. 247 260 251 252 263 254 255 256 257 238 259 261 263 264 269 Style Description Code Price Set P A B C E 5 10 G H I J K L M N Cove   MOULP Bead  MOULA Bead  MOULB Crown Mould.  MOULC Panel Strip  MOULD Glass Stop  MOULE Screen Mould  MOULF Drawer Joint  MOULG Glue Joint  MOULT{ 0-0 Curve  MOUL1 Straight  MOULJ Flute Bead  MOTILE Flute & Cove Comb MOULL Flute & Cove Comb MOULM Flute & Cove Comb MOULN $2.25

truy again

Iarle F-Of Different Shapes Made On Your LTA celat-his Inexpensive Attachment gable -doneby rnea,-,f 1 a 0129 ORK ailable fox production or heavy-
tf.re the heal safe • nera Oars' •-, t: r. 1,w, 1:f CIL IT , 17,rc, v; -e-.1,:with d A perfect rio.ildii* a may duced pass v Ei the 1: or, if the r deep one, ii Or more prs,-;.e,;. The at aehment is such a practfcal one that it is used in hundreds of prodne';:on shops, yet it is priced within tl'e reach of every small shop. A special solid-steel head 
..hing to get out of or-tr. tl.. tool, nfid it is extremely oration 'n-F.,,cause only the ting edges of the knives are and even this is covered 0/t,c:,-;. is being run. En-c tell us that it makes thel,' saws into first-class moulding znAhines: Afg seen at the right, the knives may be used singly or in combina-tion Lc- produce almost any type of exterior, interior or cabinet mould-ings. 'this illustration shows only a few of the hundreds of moulding shapes tb.at have been produced with this wonderful tool. 


The knife shapes (originated by us) shapes can be made with only four sets Additional knives are available as below% 
The new Heavy-Duty Steel Cutter Head is shown above. This type of head should always be used for heavy work and for production use, in preference to the lighter bead desirwei for 60mo-workshop use. 
are so designed that hundreds of of knives, as shown to the right. 
Light-Duty Moulding Cutter Sets Light Duty Sets For Home Workshop Use Only 
No. 858 Moulding Cutter Set. to flt No. 1169 Moulding cutter set for No. %" arbor of No. 860 circular 1160 Circular Saws. Same saw. Complete with four sets of high- as No. 858, but without fence (wood speed cutters, styles A, B, C and 1), facings are use-I on standard fences of oval table insert, micro-guide fence, these saws when moulding cut-$12.50 collar, wrench and complete$15.55 ter is need)   instructions   Ship. Weight 8 lbs. Code Word TEN110. Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word MOLDY. No. 1456 Light-duty Moulding Cut-ter Set for No. 1450 Cir-cular Saw, with light-duty head, 4 sets of cutters, table insert, collar and wrench  $12.60 Ship. Weight 8 lbs. Code Word TILTG. No. 868 Moulding Cutter Fence, 20%" long. complete as $3.50 shown above for No. 860 saw.. Ship. Weight. 3 lbs. Code Word MOUHJ. I Ship. Weight 7 lbs. Code Word NECFE. 
No. 262 Moulding Cutter Set for other makes of circular saws with arbor up to %" diameter. Price in-cludes boring up to 'h", 14", %" or 7A" diameter. Does not include table in-sert or guide fence. Specify $11.90 
bore wanted   
Heavy-Duty Moulding Cutter Sets Heavy Duty Sets For Production Or Continuous Use No. 859 Heavy-Duty Moulding Cutter 
Set for No. 860 Circular Saw. Same as No. 858, %" bore, but with heavy-duty steel cutter head, $17.30 without collar   chip. Weight 12 lbs. Code Word MOUHL. No. 2n7 Heavy Duty Moulding Cutter '"'" Set. Same as No. 262, bat with heavy-duty steel cutter $13.65 head, without collar   
No. 1158 Heavy-Duty Moulding (it-ter Set No. 1160. Same as No. 1169, but with heavy-duty th A ne steel cutter head, without collar. 4, /4.40 Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word MOIIHM. No. 1458 Heavy-Duty Moulding Cut-ter Set for No. 1450 Cir-cular Saw. Same as No. 1456, but with heavy-duty head; without $14.35 collar   
Ship. 5 lbs. Code Word MOUHE. I Ship. Weight 10 lbs. Code Word TILTJ. avyninty heads %" bore. Extra for %" or 74"  .75 

No. !k14-S7 
Extra Cutter Heads and Inserts 
;utter Head only, with sarer,,s, to fit %" arbor, with collar. Cc-es not Include $2.10 wrenall or clAterq  Extra f,1 or TA"... .75 Ship. Wsight 18 os. code Word MOUHA. 
Heavy-Duty solid-steel head No. 265 only,G4," arbor. With-out wrench as' esitter  Not furnished in ),:i" bore ;3.85 Extra for boring %" or 74'  Ship. Weight 2 lbs. Code Word MOUST. 
No. 872 Moulding Cutter Insert only. to fit No. 880 cir- $ .05 
eular saw Ship. Weight 1% lbs. Code Word NECIO. No. 1162 mseoritilgi,ingNoCult1t61 $1.10 Ship. Weight 1% lbs. Code Word TENSG. 
No. 1453 Moul ding N Cutter In- $1 20 sert for o. 1450 saw • Ship. Weight 13/a lbs. Code Word TILTD. 
h   No. 15216 Wren. Wt.c 6 oz. WRENB.$ •15 No. 245 Collar   Sh. Wt. 6 oz. COLLA. $ .15 

Extra Sets of Cutter Blades Cutters come in sets of three matched blades. Being made of high-speed steel (not carbon steel) they will cut thousands of feet of moulding be-fore dulling. All these knives may be used with shaper cutter head No. 1343 1 sted cn Page 19. 5/0 P 1/ 4 A 1/5. a 1/ ' C 1/2'. I '9'. DY 0.• No. 147 No. 250 No. 251 No 2o7. No. 253 3/16- E 5/10'. N 7k-7.• No. 254 No. 255 No 256 No. 257 No. 258 1 1/2. N t/4 1/4" L 3/0'. M 1/ 4.• 3/14. 1 Allem& WO :3 4I4-0 N . 259 No. 261 No. 263 No. 264 No.269 No. 247 260 251 252 253 254 255 258 257 258 259 261 263 264 269 Style Description Code Price Set p A B 0 D 14 F G H I J g L M N Cove   MOULP Bead  MOULA Bead  MOULB Crown Mould.  MOULC Panel Strip  MOULD Glass Stop  MOULE Screen Mould  MOULF Drawer Joint  MOULG Glue Joint  MOULH O-G Curve  MOUL1 Straight  MOULJ Flute Bead  MOTILE Flute & Cove Comb MOULL Flute & Cove Comb MOULM Flute & Cove Comb MOULN $2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 

Page 11

MORE FOR YOUR MONEY: Pali116-1-"P When You Buy One tot Here Are Some Of The 17, 

On older-type fences, adjustments for the fence are usually at the back of the fence, avdsward to handle and hard to adjust exactly. 
If we told you that we proh,' experience in manufacturing jointers than anyone else in the wo : be true, so far as we kno•.\- but r mean very much. Even the "oldest : turer" in any field can go to sleep on and when he does, his past experience nothing to the purchaser .of his machines.- when, in addition  to years cf experience,---_ in building GOOD jointers, a manufacturer is to every opportunity of improving his machine); of building into them even greater value, of -Making them more accurate, of in-creasing-their convenience, of giving you more for your money—then his vast experience IS of importance to you. When you buy one of our 4" or 6" jointers, you buy the result of years of experience in building GOOD machines. You buy the re-sult. of years of experience in accurate work manship, in advanced engineering. You buy the result of years of research, study and con-tact with thousands of jointer users. Yoti buy —so far as it is 'humanly possible for us to in-sure it—thoroUgh SATISFACTION! 

On older-type ie.., toe V0140711 of eve fence swings in or out when tilted, requiring re-setting of the entire fence for many operations. On many fences, the fence cannot be swung "in" at all. '–t r–. 

some jointers have plain machined ways to carry the table, and some have plain rabbeted ways. Neither design provides any takeuP for wear. 

Due to the absence of stops on old-type fences, the square must be used to re-set the fence vertically every time the fence is tilted. 

On old-type fences, it is also necessary to use a bevel gage or other angle gage every ttase the fence must be set to 45 degrees for miter work. 
Study the Drawings The illustrations on this page point out some of the differences between our jointers and others. But this is only a part of the reason for the superiority of our machines. There are other reasons, unseen, but important. Take machining, for example. We are not content merely to rough-bore and ream the seats for the ball bearings, although this might be "good enough." We diamond-bore these seats, to insure absolute accuracy. The tables of our jointers are first rough-machined, singly. The machine is then care-fully assembled with the tables mounted on the base, and both tables are then carefully and accurately finish-ground. This insures that the tables will be perfectly aligned, and, al-though it involves a number of additional op-erations, we consider it necessary for accuracy and for your satisfaction. Similarly with all other operations. You will find no skimping—no shoddy workmanship in our jointers. Study the drawings and the illustrations on the following pages, and you will readily see why you should have one of these jointers in your shop. 
Thorough Engineering, Careful Accurate Machining Assure 
Aside from the advantages of the patented features of the machines themselves, there are many other reasons why it pays you to buy our jointers. Consider their self-sealed ball bearings—lubricated for life (not mere-ly "dust-sealed"). Consider their thorough engineering, their careful. painstaking de-
On our fences, both adjustments are at the front, combined its one simple, convenient con-trol hand'e, providing fast, accurate adjust-ment. 

On our fences, the bottom does not swing either in or out when tilted. This provides full table capacity for angular work—and the fence tilts both ways. 

Our tables employ the finest type of mounting, with accurately machined dovetail ways, pro. tided with gib and adjusting screws to take up wear. 

On our fence, once the degrees have been set, th necessity to use the of the finger take, ti', 
Design and You 17,:ne 
at 45 and 90 again any e or b ei. A 'lit out 0 way for 
. . sign, even in details, the high-grade and accurate workmanship in every par c. Compare them with oil.,-.c machines from every angle—price, capacity', appearance; design or workmanship—and you will under-stand why men who know good craftsman-ship prefer these jointers for their work.