South-Bend-Works   (lathe makers)
Motor Mechanics Handbook no. 33 part 3
  2   pg. 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19,
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South Bend Works   (lathe makers)
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 6-7

Fig. 21. Truing an Armature Commutator in the 9-inch x 4-foot Junior South Bend Lathe Servicing Armatures in the Lathe An sizes and types of generator starting motor Armatures with center holes are held between ~commutators for automobiles, buses, and trucks centers in the lathe for the various servicing ~an be trued and the insulation undercut in the operations. Centerless armatures are mounted ,lathe. The lathe may also be used for machining with one end in a chuck and with the other in the armatures of s~all motors of electric fans, an adjustable bushing, as shown in Fig. 23. ~refrigerators, pumps, heaters, office and household An armature can be trued and the insulation ippl~nces. - ' undercut complete in from 5 to I 0 minutes. ~~The practical size lathe for armature service- The 9" jr. Lathe is also practical for hand ng is the 9" x 4' junior Lathe, as listed in the ling other electrical jobs, servicing Pistons, ~q~equipment on page~ 16. Armature work may bushings, valves, cutting screw threads, and for aIso be done on large size South Bend Lathes. general machine work. See list of jobs, Page 16. Fig~2c "How to Machine Armatures"-Bulletin No. 2 Bulletin No. 2 is a valuable 8-page reference booklet, 81/2xl I inches, describing and illustrating the latest precision methods being used in servicing~ armatures in automotive repair shops and electrical shops. It show~ how to do such jobs as truing an armature commutator; under- cutting the (mica) insulation; testing and truing armature shafts, and man y ~other armature servicing jobs, a few of which are listed below' Bulletin Mailed Anywhere in the World, Postpaid, No Charge ~ PARTIAL LIST OF CONTENTS -How to true an armature commutator. -How to true magneto collector rings- ,How to undercut mica insulation. -How to true Ford commutator. -How to test and true armature shafts. -How to cut wire from old armature- ,How to mount centerless armatures. -How to bore field Pole of generator- -How to true worn distributor points. -Armature servicing equipment. IO

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South-Bend-Works   (lathe makers) Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 8-9
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South-Bend-Works   (lathe makers)
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 6-7
Fig. 8. 36 x 8"
Motor Driven Quick Change Gear Brake Drum Lathe, $938.00

36-inch South Bend Brake Drum Lathe
For Truing Brake Drums, Machining Auto Wheels, and for General Machine Work The 36" x 8' Brake Drum Silent Chain Motor
Regular Equipment, as shown under lathe in
Driven Back-Geared, Screw Cutting Lathe, illus- illustration above
, is included in price of lathe.Illistrated above and on page I7, will swing all Electrical Equipment included in price of lathe types
of wheels (including drums attached to consists of : Silent Chain motor drive unit, I axles) , both single and dual, including
wire, disc H.P. instant reversing motor, drum reversing and artillery types, with tires attached, up to switch, wiring between
motor and switch, flexi- 3 6 ~ inches in diameter ; and will machine all hie metal conduit, belting~ and wiring diagram.
brake drums uP to 23 1/2 inches in diameter. Time List of Users. There are hundreds of South required to true a 2-inch drum
is IO minutes. For Bend Brake Drum Lathes in use in Brake and Prices of brake drum equipment, see Page 27. Wheel Service
Stations, Auto parts Jobbers Shops, The Brake Drum Lathe is also `practical for Tire Shops, and Super-Service Stations.
We shall machining flywheels, differentials, hubs, drive be glad to send you, free on request, a list of shafts, a x I e s ,
pistons, armatures, bushings, these users so that you may visit their shops and valves, cutting screw threads, and general
work. inspect their South Bend Brake Drum Lathes.

  Length  Distance    power    Approx.      Standard Change Gear Lathes              Quick Change Gear Lathes
AttaTimcbed    B~d    ~~~  R~puir.ed  ~gt~       Cat.       ~~~~I~      ~0,-_P~       C~t       C~ t,       ~~~        ~0_-P~      C~t
wI~~s     Feet     Inches      - ^       Pounds       No'      A. C. Motor ~ C. ~,"otor    Motor~        No'       .A. C. Motor  A.C. Motor    Motor~_
361/4                     6           27             1          2620     302-BC    $836.00       $870.00      $918.00     304-BC    $896.00       $930.00      
36~~           8           51             1          2780     302-BE      878.00         912.00        960.00     304-BE      938.00         972.00      1020.00
361,~         10          75              1          2940     302-BG      924.00         958.00      1006.00    304-BG      984.00       1018.00      1066.00
   361/4        12*         99              1          3100     302-BH     989.00       1023.00      1071-00     304-BH   1049.00       1083.00      
* Includes Center  Le g.         For  Countershaft   Drive,  deduct   f ram   3 -phase  price,  $ I 8 6 . 0 0.

Fig. 9. Truing a 17-inch Brake Drum, in theLathe, Without Removing the Tire

Fig. 10. Truing a Chevrolet Brake Drum withHuh and Axle Attached Buick, Pontiac and similar brake drums can be machined
in the 36-inch or 16-inch Lathe.
The brake drum flange is held in the chuck and the axle is supported on the tailstock center.

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South-Bend-Works   (lathe makers) Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 16-17
pg 16

Fig. 48. :Motor Machine Shop Equipped with 9" x 4 Junior South Bend Horizontal - Motor Driven benLch-Lathe and Equipment as Listed Below.
No. 9 Popular Motor Machine Shop Equipment
For the Shop Handling Small Automotive Service Jobs
On Autos, Buses, Trucks, Tractors, Aero Engines, etc.
The No. 422-A, 9" x 4' Junior South Bend Horizontal Motor Driven Bench Lathe,
i eluded in this Shop Equipment and as shown above and on page 22, is a Back-Geare
Screw Cutting Lathe-takes 27~"
between centers. has ~" hole in spindle, 6~" swix over carriage, power feed to carriage, six spindle speeds, 39 to 596 RP.M., and Chan~
gears for automatic feeds and for
cutting standard screw threads. right or left. from 4 40 per inch. Lathe is equipped with complete motor drive consisting of V-Belt counte
aha~. ~ H.P. start-and-stop type
reversing split-phase motor for 1-phase~ 60 cycle,
A.( pulley for motor, drum reversing switch, belting and regular lathe equipment.
Price of lathe crated for shipment f.o.b. South Bend, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . .$216.75*
I-6-inch 4-iaw Independent Lathe Chuck . . . . . 22.00
Fitting above Chuck to Lathe including semi-machined chuck back . 6.50
l-~-inch 3-j aw Drill Chuck . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . 5.25
Arbor fitted to above drill chuck and lathe , . . . . . . . . . . .60
I-Turning Tool Holder and unground cutter bit, straight shank. . . 2.20
6.-Cut ter Bits, ground to forms A, B, C, D, E, F. shown on page 25 . 1.30
l-Boring Tool Holder (Style D) and ~" diameter boring bar , . . . . . . 2.50
1-Cutting-Off Tool Holder and one ground cutter blade, right-hand . . 2.35
4-Malleable Lathe Dogs, ~", ~", 1" and 1~" capacity . . . . . . . . . 2.60__
Price Equipment, complete (Wt. 492 Ibs.) f .o.b. South Bend, Ind. . . . $262.05
Easy Payment Terms : $55.00 down; $18.50 per month.

Jobs You Can Do With the Above Equipment
The 9" x 4' Junior Lathe has been installed by more than 5,300 motor machine shop
and is the popular size for handling all small
automotive maintenance and repair work
1 to 91[4" in diameter and 273[8" long. This lathe, eq uipped with a few a ttachments,
in additit to t~ chucks and tools listed above, will
handle all the following automotive jobs.
-Armature Servicing -Bushing Work -Screw Thread Cutting
-Valve Grinding -Connecting Rod Servicing -Milling and Keyway Cuttix
...-Piston Finishing -Shock Absorber Work '-Hundreds of other jobs
___________ *For detailed description, specifications, features, and prices of the 9-inch Junior South Bend Lathe
in various bed lengths and other types of drives, see page 22 of this handbook.

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South-Bend-Works  (lathe makers)
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 16

pg 16

Fig. 48. :Motor Machine Shop Equipped with 9" x 4 Junior South Bend Horizontal - Motor Driven benLch-Lathe and Equipment as Listed Below.
No. 9 Popular Motor Machine Shop Equipment
For the Shop Handling Small Automotive Service Jobs
On Autos, Buses, Trucks, Tractors, Aero Engines, etc.
The No. 422-A, 9" x 4' Junior South Bend Horizontal Motor Driven Bench Lathe,
i eluded in this Shop Equipment and as shown above and on page 22, is a Back-Geare
Screw Cutting Lathe-takes 27~"
between centers. has ~" hole in spindle, 6~" swix over carriage, power feed to carriage, six spindle speeds, 39 to 596 RP.M., and Chan~
gears for automatic feeds and for
cutting standard screw threads. right or left. from 4 40 per inch. Lathe is equipped with complete motor drive consisting of V-Belt counte
aha~. ~ H.P. start-and-stop type
reversing split-phase motor for 1-phase~ 60 cycle,
A.( pulley for motor, drum reversing switch, belting and regular lathe equipment.
Price of lathe crated for shipment f.o.b. South Bend, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . .$216.75*
I-6-inch 4-iaw Independent Lathe Chuck . . . . . 22.00
Fitting above Chuck to Lathe including semi-machined chuck back . 6.50
l-~-inch 3-j aw Drill Chuck . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . 5.25
Arbor fitted to above drill chuck and lathe , . . . . . . . . . . .60
I-Turning Tool Holder and unground cutter bit, straight shank. . . 2.20
6.-Cut ter Bits, ground to forms A, B, C, D, E, F. shown on page 25 . 1.30
l-Boring Tool Holder (Style D) and ~" diameter boring bar , . . . . . . 2.50
1-Cutting-Off Tool Holder and one ground cutter blade, right-hand . . 2.35
4-Malleable Lathe Dogs, ~", ~", 1" and 1~" capacity . . . . . . . . . 2.60__
Price Equipment, complete (Wt. 492 Ibs.) f .o.b. South Bend, Ind. . . . $262.05
Easy Payment Terms : $55.00 down; $18.50 per month.

Jobs You Can Do With the Above Equipment
The 9" x 4' Junior Lathe has been installed by more than 5,300 motor machine shop
and is the popular size for handling all small
automotive maintenance and repair work
1 to 91[4" in diameter and 273[8" long. This lathe, eq uipped with a few a ttachments,
in additit to t~ chucks and tools listed above, will
handle all the following automotive jobs.
-Armature Servicing -Bushing Work -Screw Thread Cutting
-Valve Grinding -Connecting Rod Servicing -Milling and Keyway Cuttix
...-Piston Finishing -Shock Absorber Work '-Hundreds of other jobs
___________ *For detailed description, specifications, features, and prices of the 9-inch Junior South Bend Lathe
in various bed lengths and other types of drives, see page 22 of this handbook.

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South-Bend-Works   (lathe makers) Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 18-19
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South-Bend-Works  (lathe makers)
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33 pg 16

pg 18

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Fig. 48. :Motor Machine Shop Equipped with 9" x 4 Junior South Bend Horizontal - Motor Driven benLch-Lathe and Equipment as Listed Below.
No. 9 Popular Motor Machine Shop Equipment
For the Shop Handling Small Automotive Service Jobs
On Autos, Buses, Trucks, Tractors, Aero Engines, etc.
The No. 422-A, 9" x 4' Junior South Bend Horizontal Motor Driven Bench Lathe,
i eluded in this Shop Equipment and as shown above and on page 22, is a Back-Geare
Screw Cutting Lathe-takes 27~"
between centers. has ~" hole in spindle, 6~" swix over carriage, power feed to carriage, six spindle speeds, 39 to 596 RP.M., and Chan~
gears for automatic feeds and for
cutting standard screw threads. right or left. from 4 40 per inch. Lathe is equipped with complete motor drive consisting of V-Belt counte
aha~. ~ H.P. start-and-stop type
reversing split-phase motor for 1-phase~ 60 cycle,
A.( pulley for motor, drum reversing switch, belting and regular lathe equipment.
Price of lathe crated for shipment f.o.b. South Bend, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . .$216.75*
I-6-inch 4-iaw Independent Lathe Chuck . . . . . 22.00
Fitting above Chuck to Lathe including semi-machined chuck back . 6.50
l-~-inch 3-j aw Drill Chuck . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . 5.25
Arbor fitted to above drill chuck and lathe , . . . . . . . . . . .60
I-Turning Tool Holder and unground cutter bit, straight shank. . . 2.20
6.-Cut ter Bits, ground to forms A, B, C, D, E, F. shown on page 25 . 1.30
l-Boring Tool Holder (Style D) and ~" diameter boring bar , . . . . . . 2.50
1-Cutting-Off Tool Holder and one ground cutter blade, right-hand . . 2.35
4-Malleable Lathe Dogs, ~", ~", 1" and 1~" capacity . . . . . . . . . 2.60__
Price Equipment, complete (Wt. 492 Ibs.) f .o.b. South Bend, Ind. . . . $262.05
Easy Payment Terms : $55.00 down; $18.50 per month.

Jobs You Can Do With the Above Equipment
The 9" x 4' Junior Lathe has been installed by more than 5,300 motor machine shop
and is the popular size for handling all small
automotive maintenance and repair work
1 to 91[4" in diameter and 273[8" long. This lathe, eq uipped with a few a ttachments,
in additit to t~ chucks and tools listed above, will
handle all the following automotive jobs.
-Armature Servicing -Bushing Work -Screw Thread Cutting
-Valve Grinding -Connecting Rod Servicing -Milling and Keyway Cuttix
...-Piston Finishing -Shock Absorber Work '-Hundreds of other jobs
___________ *For detailed description, specifications, features, and prices of the 9-inch Junior South Bend Lathe
in various bed lengths and other types of drives, see page 22 of this handbook.