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South-Bend-Works (lathe makers)
Lathe Motor Mechanic Motor Handbook
No.33-4    pg 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21
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Fig. 5. Close-up Showing a Piston Being Machined in the 13-inch South Bend Lathe

Fig. 2. Machining a Flywheel for a Steel Starter Gear in the 16" x 8' South Bend Lathe

Machining Flywheels
For machining flywheels for steel starter gears,truing the clutch face, and handling other fly-
wheel servicing operations, we recommend the16" x 8' South Bend Lathe as listed in the
No. 16 Shop Equipment on page 14. The South Bend method of mounting flywheels, as shown
in Fig. 3, is efficient and accurate and insures that the machined surface of the flywheel will
run true with the axis of the crankshaft. Fly-wheel servicing can also be done on the 18-inch
and #36-inch lathes.

for Steel Starter Gears
Tf e time required to machine a flywheel in the lathe and fit it with a new steel starter gear
is from 20 to 30 minutes. For prices of fly- wheel servicing equipment, see page 27.
In addition to servicing flywheels, the 16-inch lathe is practical for truing brake drums of de-
mountable wheels, servicing crankshafts, driveshafts and axles, pistons, connecting rods, dif -
differentials, valves, bushings, armaratures , cut tin gib screw threads, for general machine and repair
work, and hundreds of other jobs.

"How to Service Flywheels"-Bulletin No. 3
Th e motor mechanics interested in handling flywheel work should have a copy of this 8-page bulletin, size 81[2xl I inches, for reference becauseit shows the most practical and
efficient method for doing this import-ant work. The bulletin contains more than thirty illustrations show-ing how to mount a flywheel in the lathe for removing damaged teeth;
machining the flange for starter ring gear, and many other jobs.
Bulletin Mailed Anywhere in the World, Postpaid, No Charge

-How  to  mount  flywheel  in  lathe.    --How  to  test  concentricity  of  hole.
--How  to  fit  ring  gear  on  flywheel. &n;   -How  to  make  bolt  circle  on  flywheel.
-How  to  true  and   polish  a  clutch  face.      ;-How  to  out  keysejat  in  flywheel.
--How  to  balance  a  flywheel.    &nb&nbsTime  relquired &do  the  job.
--How  to~ bore  flywheels  accurately.        --Flywheel  servicing  equipment.

Finishing Semi-Machined Pistons in the Lathe
Semi-machined pistons, solid or split skirt A set of six 3-inch .080" oversize pistons, types, made of cast iron, aluminum, or other round or cam shaped, can be finished in the
alloys, can be quickly and accurately machined South Bend Lathe in about thirty the South Bend Lathe to fit the cylinder The lathe is also practical for reaming
pis-blocks of all automobiles, buses, trucks, true- ton skirts, many other piston servicing operators, aero engines, etc. Lions, servicing armatures, bushings, connecting
Turning pistons in the lathe (the method used rods, valves, cutting screw threads, and for gen-by piston manufacturers) is the best practice eral machine work. and the most
practical way to do the work, as Piston servicing can be done on the 11-inch,
and ', 6-inch lathes, as listed in the Shop ts on pages 14 and 15~

Cam Shaped Pistons Cam shaped, elliptical or out-of-round pistons can be
machined in the South Bend Lathe by using the cam forming attachment. Figs.
6 and 7 show two drawings of a cam piston. Pistons are machined cam shaped so
as to permit clearance along the two sides of piston ad-
jacent to the piston pin hole as indicated by E and E' in Fig. 7. Cam shaped pis-
tons, when hot and in op- eration in the cylinder, ex- pand to a perfect round.
Cam pistons may be fitted much closer in the cylinder than round pistons.

-Fig.   7.    Drawing   Showing   Shape of   Cam  Piston  in  Cylinder When  Cold

"How  to   Finish   Pistons"-Bulletin  No.  9
Shops  already  handling  piston  finishing  and  those  intending  to  go  into this  work  will  find  this  8-page  bulletin,  81[2xll   inches,  a  valuable  refer-~ ence  booklet.    
Bulletin  No.  9  shows. how  to  finish  round  pistons  and  also
how  to  finish   oval  or  cam   shaped   pistons  according  to  the  latest  and most  accurate  method.    Large  illustrations  show  how  to  do  the  various piston  servicing  
operations,  a  few  of  which  are  listed  below.
Bulletin  Mailed  Anywhere  in  the  World,  Postpaid,  No  Charge

--How  to  finish  round 'pistons.                                     -How  to  machine  lands  of  piston.
--How  to  finish  cam  shaped  pistons. p;                  -How bsp;grooves.
-How  to  mount  pistons  in  the  lathe. sp;                 -How  to  drill  center  hole  in  piston.
--How  to  reanl  skirt  of  piston. nbsp; p;  p;               -How  to  make  wrist  pins.
-How  to  ream  wrist  pin  hole. Piston   servicing  equipment.
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Guarantee of Lathe
, South Bend Lathe to be accurate and the satisfaction and the service you have 'a rig,e, anywhere in the United States any I
I or workmanship, within one year from Bend Lathe anywhere in the United p. If~ you are dissatisfied in any way,.
ill~ pay ~ the return freight charges and

Factory of South Bend 'Lathe Works
Established in 1906; for nore than 27 years . Builders of 96 sizes and types of 5 South Bend Back-Geared,
5crew Cutting Lathes of nhich more than 55,000 Bite in use in the U. S. and 39 other countries.
We invite you to visit our factory and display room
whare ever you are in this vicinity. Visitors are always welcome.

back cover
.General Catalog No. 94

,On South Bend Lathes, Attachments and Tools
Our New General Catalog No. 94 illustrates, describes, and prices
the entire line of , New Model South Bend Back-Gea red, Screw Cutting
Lathes, f rem 9 -inch swim g to 3 6 - inch swin g, and in bed Jen gths 2 1/2 -
foot to I 4-~foot, countershaf t and motor drive. At tachments, chucks,
tools, and accesso fies f or use on each' size South Bend Lathe are
also illustrated, described and priced.
Mailed Anywhere in the World, Postpaid, No Charge

Quick Change Gear Lathes Gap Bed Lathes
Standard Cflange Gear Lathes Brake Drum Lathes
Underneath Belt Motor Driven Lathes Oil Pan Lathe's
Tool Room Precision Lathes Lathes for Export
Size 8 1/8xlO3/4~ Inches, ~ 72 ~ leorpzton~alo~o~r~ Srlve~ heL$athes ~~~~~~ts^f"to~~tiveomo~ ~kWork
Pa ges, `250 Illus trations J unior Bench and F loor Leg Lathes Attach meats for Special Work -

Factory of South Bend Lathe Works
Established in 1906; for more than 27 years build. ers of 96 sizes and types of South Bend Back-Geared, Screw Cutting Lathes of which more than 55,000 are in use in the U. S. and
89 other countries. We in- vite you to visit our fac- tory and display r o o m whenever you are in this vicinity. Visitors are al- ways welcome. -.-. . . . .

(Filling in this blank places rue under no obligation whatever)

335 E. Madison St., South Bend, Indiana.
Date-. Gentlemen: I am interested in information on the following: Check Motor Machine Shop Equiprnents in Which You Are Interested ~No. 16 Equipment ~ No. 13 Equipment ~ No.
9 Equipment ~ No. 36 Equipn Size and Type of Lathe Wanted: Swing_....___..............,~-inches; Length of Bed...-.......-...-feet Type of Drive Wanted..-...-,-.-..-,-,-.-,-...-...-,-.-.- Check Classes
of Work You Plan to Do-Service Bulletins will be mailed. postpaid, no chf ~Flywheels ~ Brake Drums ~ Valves ~ Bushings ~ General Mac ~Pistons ~ Connecting Rods ~ Armatures ~
Differentials and Repair ~ Check Method of Payment Preferred: ~ Cash with Order ~ Easy Payment Plan Name-,-,-.-~-_.-..-....-...-..-..-..-,..-~~-.-.-...-...- Street
33-7th Ed.
.General Catalog No. 94
Fig. 5. Close-up Showing a Piston Being Machined in the 13-inch South Bend Lathe

Fig. 2. Machining a Flywheel for a Steel Starter Gear in the 16" x 8' South Bend Lathe

Machining Flywheels
For machining flywheels for steel starter gears,truing the clutch face, and handling other fly-
wheel servicing operations, we recommend the16" x 8' South Bend Lathe as listed in the
No. 16 Shop Equipment on page 14. The South Bend method of mounting flywheels, as shown
in Fig. 3, is efficient and accurate and insures that the machined surface of the flywheel will
run true with the axis of the crankshaft. Fly-wheel servicing can also be done on the 18-inch
and #36-inch lathes.

for Steel Starter Gears
Tf e time required to machine a flywheel in the lathe and fit it with a new steel starter gear
is from 20 to 30 minutes. For prices of fly- wheel servicing equipment, see page 27.
In addition to servicing flywheels, the 16-inch lathe is practical for truing brake drums of de-
mountable wheels, servicing crankshafts, driveshafts and axles, pistons, connecting rods, dif -
differentials, valves, bushings, armaratures , cut tin gib screw threads, for general machine and repair
work, and hundreds of other jobs.

"How to Service Flywheels"-Bulletin No. 3
Th e motor mechanics interested in handling flywheel work should have a copy of this 8-page bulletin, size 81[2xl I inches,
for reference becauseit shows the most practical and efficient method for doing this import-ant work. The bulletin contains more than thirty illustrations show-ing how to mount a flywheel
in the lathe for removing damaged teeth;

machining the flange for starter ring gear, and many other jobs.
Bulletin Mailed Anywhere in the World, Postpaid, No Charge

-How  to  mount  flywheel  in  lathe.    --How  to  test  concentricity  of  hole.
--How  to  fit  ring  gear  on  flywheel. &n;   -How  to  make  bolt  circle  on  flywheel.
-How  to  true  and   polish  a  clutch  face.      ;-How  to  out  keysejat  in  flywheel.
--How  to  balance  a  flywheel.    &nb&nbsTime  relquired &do  the  job.
--How  to~ bore  flywheels  accurately.        --Flywheel  servicing  equipment.

Finishing Semi-Machined Pistons in the Lathe
Semi-machined pistons, solid or split skirt A set of six 3-inch .080" oversize pistons, types, made of cast iron, aluminum, or other round or cam shaped, can be finished
in the alloys, can be quickly and accurately machined South Bend Lathe in about thirty the South Bend Lathe to fit the cylinder The lathe is also practical for r
eaming pis-blocks of all automobiles, buses, trucks, true- ton skirts, many other piston servicing operators, aero engines, etc. Lions, servicing armatures, bushings, connecting
Turning pistons in the lathe (the method used rods, valves, cutting screw threads, and for gen-by piston manufacturers) is the best practice eral machine work.
and the most practical way to do the work, as Piston servicing can be done on the 11-inch,
and ', 6-inch lathes, as listed in the Shop ts on pages 14 and 15~

Cam Shaped Pistons Cam shaped, elliptical or out-of-round pistons can be
machined in the South Bend Lathe by using the cam forming attachment. Figs.
6 and 7 show two drawings of a cam piston. Pistons are machined cam shaped so
as to permit clearance along the two sides of piston ad-
jacent to the piston pin hole as indicated by E and E' in Fig. 7. Cam shaped pis-
tons, when hot and in op- eration in the cylinder, ex- pand to a perfect round.
Cam pistons may be fitted much closer in the cylinder than round pistons.


Fig.   7.    Drawing   Showing   Shape of   Cam  Piston  in  Cylinder When  Cold

"How  to   Finish   Pistons"-Bulletin  No.  9
Shops  already  handling  piston  finishing  and  those  intending  to  go  into this  work  will  find  this  8-page  bulletin,  81[2xll   inches,  a  valuable  refer-~ ence  booklet.  

Bulletin  No.  9  shows. how  to  finish  round  pistons  and  also
how  to  finish   oval  or  cam   shaped   pistons  according  to  the  latest  and most  accurate  method.   
Large  illustrations  show  how  to  do  the  various piston  servicing  operations,  a  few  of  which  are  listed  below.
Bulletin  Mailed  Anywhere  in  the  World,  Postpaid,  No  Charge

--How  to  finish  round 'pistons.                                 -How  to  machine  lands  of  piston.
--How  to  finish  cam  shaped  pistons.               -How machine grooves.
-How  to  mount  pistons  in  the  lathe.                   -How  to  drill  center  hole  in  piston.
--How  to  reanl  skirt  of  piston.                                -How  to  make  wrist  pins.
-How  to  ream  wrist  pin  hole. Piston   servicing  equipment.
second pic
A Word to the Motor Mechanic The repairing and Machining of the automobile,
bus and truck is an important and active industry in the United States, because more than 26,000,000 motor vehicles must be repaired and maintained if they are to operate
ej|fideafly in transportation.
To properly handle this work the motor machine shop must have practical precision equipment. Car and truck owners are discriminating more and more in favor of the
well-equipped~ shop that turns out a first class, accurate job at a reasonable price. The well-equipped shop soon becomes the best known shop in the community. `
No single piece of equipment so well enables the shop to do a wide range of accurate service work at reasonable prices and at a good profit, as the Back-Geared, Screw Cutting
Lathe. This universal tool when fitted with proper attachments, will do all the service jobs which would otherwise require several single purpose machines. For ~example, one South
Bend Lathe, with a few attachments, will handle the grinding of valves, boring of connecting rods, making of bushings, truing of armatures, undercut- ting of mica, finishing of pistons
by turning or grinding, machining of flywheels for ring gears, cutting of screw threads, general machine work, etc.
The price of a lathe and attachments for handling gen- eral automotive service work in the motor machine shop is less than one-fourth the total price of the special machines
required to do the same work. No other shop tool .is the equal of the lathe in versatility, ease of opera- tion, wide range, accuracy and economy of operation. In this handbook are
illustrated and described a few of the most important motor service jobs, and the latest shop practice for handling them. South Bend Lathe Works

Armature Work . . .
Truing commutators Undercutting Mica Straightening armature shafts Cutting old wire from armatures for rewinding Making replacement bearings
AxIe Shafts . . . . . . Straightening bent axles Rechasing damaged threads Mill square or keyway in axle Making new axle shaft Brake Service . 6, 7
Truing brake drums Testing brake drums Testing wheel bearings Fit metal liner in brake drums Fitting power booster brakes to trucks and trailers Bushing Work Making bushings
of all kinds Boring bronze backed babbitt lined bearings Connecting Rod Work . 8
Borin g rebabbitted con rods Boring bronze backed babbitt lined bea rings Ali gning connecting rods Reaming con rod pin bearings Screw Thread Cutting . 13 Cutting right o r left
-handscrew threads Making bolts and nuts Grinding .Page 9, 24
Sharpening reamers Sharpening valve seat reamers Grinding hardened bushings. Grinding pistons, valves, etc. Hub Service . . . . . . . 6, 7
Truing a bent hub flange Salvaging damaged hub by re-machining after welding Rechasing damaged threads Piston Service . . . . . . 5
Finishing round pistons Finishing cam shaped pistons Machining ring grooves Reaming piston pin bearings Reaming piston skirts Differential Service 12
.Truing differential flange Testing truenes~s of new ring gear assembly Shock Absorbers~Reconditioning worn shock absorbers Making new parts for shock absorbers Drive Shaft
Servicing . Testing and straightening bent drive shafts Flywheel Work 4
Machining flywheel for new starter gear Polishing flywheel clutch face General Machine Work .
Making replacement parts Cutting screw threads Salvaging worn parts by remachining after welding Makin g tools and punches Test and straighten bent shafts Filing an~d
polishing Drilling, reaming, tapping, etc. Wheel Service . . 6, 7
Boring wheel for hub Salvaging wheels with worn bolt holes by re-machining after building up by welding

Milling and Keyway Cutting . . 26 Milling a straight keywa y Milling a Woodruff keyway Squaring end of a shat t Milling a dovetail Milling aquares, hexagons Valve Service Work .
. . 9 Refacing valves Straightening valve stems Making a valve guide bushing Grinding end of valve stem for clearance adjustment Grinding tappets and tappet adjusting screws
Sharpening valve seat reamer Making valve seat rings Automotive Service Laboratory
In the Plant of the South Bend Lathe Works, South Bend, Indiana The Automotive Service Laboratory of Here our expert mechanics develop practice South Bend Lathe Works, started
in tical and modern automotive maintenance {920, occupies a room 6Ox1OO feet. Lathes methods, some of which are illustrated in in various sizes and types, Countershaft this
Drive and Motor D.rive, .fitted with attach- With each South Bend Lathe sold for repair operations. step-by-step the major maintenance jobs. In addition to these instructlons, any
motor machine shop purchasing a South Bend Lathe may send a mechanic to our service laboratory where he may become familiar with operating the lathe on various service
jobs,free of charge. One or two days is the averagetime spent here. Our laboratory is always open to the public and we have had visiting mechanics from e v e r y
Fig. 1. Automotive Service Laboratory of South Bend Lathe Works state and many countries.

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Use your Lath to Machine/Repair/fix Auto partsSouth-Bend-Works  pg. 3
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33-4 pg. 9-10-11-12

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Use your Lath to Machine/Repair/fix Auto partsSouth-Bend-Works  pg.1
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33-4 pg 1-2-3-4

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Use your Lath to Machine/Repair/fix Auto parts. pg. 5 1
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33-5 pg 17-18-19-20
Use your Lath to Machine/Repair/fix Auto partsSouth-Bend-Works  pg.1
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33-4 pg 1-2-3-4
Use your Lath to Machine/Repair/fix Auto partsSouth-Bend-Works  pg.1
Motor Mechanics Handbook No.33-4 pg 1-2-3-4