It is Oct of 1914-1918, what is happening....Excerpt from Success in the Small Shop "Success in the small shop" is the reality worked out from a definite idea in technical journalism in the machinery-building field. Early in the year 1914, there came into the possession of the American Machinist a mass of statistical information in regard to the machine shops of the city of Cleveland, Ohio. /> .[15]
city of Cleveland, Ohio.="" /> top
pic top
pic top
I.C.S American School,Machine Shop Work,
Learn how to Run and Operate The Shaper.
Just like the lathe but flat.
And it  recypcates

here 16

          132-133 TOOL-MAKING 

properly locating each tooth as it is presented to the wheel. The usual arrangement is a finger adjustable to the proper height to produce the required amount of clearance, which is about 3 degrees, as shown at B, Fig. 190. With this amount of clearance, the cutter works freely and retains its edge; if more clear-ance is given, the cutter is likely to chatter, and the edges of the teeth will become dull rapidly. Fig. 197 shows a cutter in position for grinding the teeth; it will readily be seen that the tooth being ground rests on the centering gage E, which can be adjusted to give any desired amount of clearance to the tooth. For grinding the cutting edge is weak. 


alt="https://antiquemachinery.com/images-American-Machinist-Oct-29-1942/pg-1235-Armamet-Tank-Engines-made-on-Coverted-Equipment-Airplane-Engine-Vintage-Old-Antique-Equipment-Machine-Shop-Machines.jpeg" text pg 2

Lincoln-Style-Pratt-and-2-Whitney-like -the-one-in-my-collection. Lincoln Milling Machine Courtesy of Pratt and Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut 

small pic



pg 144

pg 152 -MACHINE SHOP WORK  Duplex milling machine,,, the Becker Milling Machine.
Such machines are provided with the feed motions of the horizontal type, and also with a rotating table by w

hich circular work can be done. A large amount of work formerly done in lathes 

Fig. 230. Vertical Milling Machine with Working Parts Shown in Ghost Courtesy of Becker Milling Machine Company, Hyde Park, Massachusetts 

Section §9 
and consequently is free to slide along the shaft, but is forced to rotate with it. The pinion k meshes with the gear f. The gear f carries a crankpin i, which is mounted on a slide and can be clamped to the gear at any distance from the center within its range. A connecting-rod n is attached to the crankpin and also at 12' to a block fitted to a slot in the ram b; the block can be clamped to the ram in any position 

FIG. 4. 
within the range given by the length of the slot. By vary-ing the position of the crankpin 1, the length of stroke of the ram can be adjusted ; in order to change the position of the ram so that the tool will pass over the surface to be machined, the block at n' is loosened and the ram pushed in or out by hand until it is in the desired position, when the block is again clamped to the ram. 
8. Quick-Return Motion. The geared shaper is fre-quently provided with a quick-return motion, as shown in Fig. 4. The gear f revolves on a large pin or hub u. The piece w is secured to u by the eccentric pin t, and is pro-vided with a slot in its back in which the driving pin v is free to slide. As f revolves it forces w to revolve about t, but owing to the eccentric position of t, the pin i makes one half 

revolution while the gear is revolving through the angle o r 1, and the other half while the gear is revolving through the angle 1  is o. By making the former the return stroke and the latter the forward stroke, the tool is given a slow advance and a quick return. 
CUTTING SPEEDS. 9. Influence of Style of Shaper on Cutting Speed. The proper cutting speeds of shaper tools are the same as those of planer tools. In a crank-shaper, the average speed of the ram varies with the length of the stroke, since, with the belt on a given step of the cone, the shaper will make a constant number of strokes per minute, whether they be long or short. Suppose the shaper makes 60 strokes per minute and the strokes are 1 foot long. Then the tool moves 1 foot for-wards and 1 foot backwards in 1 second, or 2 feet per revolu-tion ; this is equal to a cutting speed of 120 feet per minute. Suppose the length of stroke is changed so that it is 1 inch long, but that the machine continues to make 60 revolutions per minute. Then, in 1 stroke, the tool moves 2 inches, and in 60 strokes it would move 120 inches, or 10 feet. Now, in one case, the cutting speed was 120 feet per minute and in the other case it was 10 feet per minute. Then, since the average cutting speed depends on the length of the stroke, it follows that a constant average cutting speed can only be kept by varying the number of strokes per minute. For this reason, crank-shapers are always sup-plied with a cone pulley for the driving belt. In geared shapers, the cutting speed does not vary with the length of stroke, but remains constant, as is the case in planers. For this reason, geared shapers do not require cone pulleys in order to keep the cutting speed constant. Cone pulleys are often put on geared shapers to provide different speeds for different metals. 

head of the duplex miller can be moved out over the table so as greatly to increase the range of the machine; and this head is also provided with a drilling attachment whereby holes may be drilled at any angle. 

Fig. 231. Duplex Milling Machine Set for Cutting Spirals Courtesy of Van Norman Machine Tool Company, Springfield, Massachusetts 
MILLING OPERATIONS Classification. These may be classified in a manner similar to the cutters themselves, whose names will suggest the kind of work for which they are adapted. Plane Milling or Surface Milling. This is the machining of plain, flat, horizontal surfaces by means of cylindrical mills whose length is usually much greater than their diameters, the larger kinds being constructed with inserted blades or teeth. Side Milling or Face Milling. This operation is the machining of vertical surfaces, or surfaces at right angles to the axis of the milling cutter. 






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pg 54 -55 Below 


Section § 11
SHAPER TOOLS. 10. Relationship Between Shaper and Plasm'. Tools.—As the cutting action of the planer andshaper the same, the same class of tools can be used on., both. I n the shaper, as in the planer, the shank of the tool is alw a in a plane perpendicular to the line of motion of the tool ()I the work, and hence the angle of clearance always remain constant. Special tool holders and inserted blade tools may be used in the shaper as well as in the planer. Tool holders, or i 1 fact any tools, cannot be used effectively both on lathe and planer or shaper work, on account of the fact that the ang of front rake, or clearance, is constant in the shaper and planer and varies in the lathe. 
HOLDING THE WORK. 11. The Vise.—Most of the work done on the shape! is held in the chuck or vise. The methods employed setting the work square and true, so that it may be planed square and parallel, are the same as those used in setting work in the planer vise. There are some vises especially made for shape work. As a rule, the planer vise is provided with no method ()I adjusting the vise on the base after the work is clamped in position, but shaper vises are usually provided with a screw by means of which the vise proper and the work can be adjusted. Such a vise is shown in Fig. 5. The base of t.in vise a is clamped to the shaper table. By means of the graduated circle shown at b, the body of the vise c can be set at any desired angle with the slide e. When set to the desired angle, the vise is clamped to the slide by means of the nuts shown in the pockets at the sides. The slide e can 4 be fed back and forth across the base a by a screw operated by the handle d. The body of the vise c is provided with a fixed jaw g- and a movable jaw h. The rnovable jaw is adjusted by means of the screw 1, which is operated by the 

tench f. After the jaw h is in the desired position, it is cured by a clamp nut k. The jaws g and It have removable steel faces. For work on cylindrical pieces, one of the 
FIG. 5. 
movable jaw faces is sometimes replaced by a V-shaped ock that will facilitate the holding of any cylindrical ece of work. 1 2. Clamping Work.—When work is of such a form at it cannot be held in a vise, the vise is removed and the work fastened to the table. This is done with bolts, straps, d clamps in a manner similar to that in which work is stened on the platen of the planer table. Sometimes toe amps and plugs are also employed. With traveling-head apers, very large castings or forgings that have small surfaces to be machined are frequently blocked up in front of e machine on suitable jacks and blocking, and clamped her to the table or front of the machine and then operated on by the tools. 
TAKING THE CUT. 13. Range of Utility of the Shaper.-For short is on pieces of relatively small size, the shaper is usually tter adapted than the planer. For cutting slots or key-Lys, or for cuts that terminate close to a shoulder, the 50-9 


page 56-57 Machine-Shop-Work- The Shaper.    

shaper possesses the advantage that it can be more readily set to take a particular length of stroke, and it will then cut that exact length of stroke each time. This js true partic-ularly of the crank-shapers, but only to a limited extent is it true of geared shapers. On the planer or geared shaper the reversing point is not positive, because of the uncer, tainty in the slip of the belts and the gripping of the pulleys by the friction clutches. 
1 4. Cutting a Keyway.—Whenever a cut terminates in the metal, a notch must be cut at the end so that the tool will pass out of the cut each time. Suppose that a key-way is to be cut in the end of a shaft, as shown in Fig. 6 (a) . 

(b) FIG. 6. 
The keyway should first be laid out by scribing lines to indicate its width and depth. At the place where the key-way terminates in the shaft, a circle is described equal in diameter to the width of the keyway. In this circle a hole is drilled, as shown in Fig. 6 (b), equal in depth to that of the keyway. The work is then set in the vise or clamped to the table, so that the lines on the end that indicate the sides of the finished keyway are perpendicular to the shaper table.. In the case of a fairly large keyway, or when no tool of the right width is at hand, slots are cut along the outside edges of the keyway, as shown in Fig. 6 (c). This work is done with a parting tool. After the slots have been cut, the 


metal shown at a, Fig. 6 (c), is removed with a square-pointed tool. If an attempt is made to take such a cut as is shown in Fig. 6 without first drilling or otherwise cutting out a place for the tool to run into, and thus cut off the shaving, each shaving will clog the slot slightly, so that after a few strokes the tool will strike with great force against solid metal. If the cut is continued, the tool will break, or the work will be pushed from the machine. Large keyways are usually cut with several settings of the tool, as shown in Fig. 6. Small keyways are often cut by using a tool just the width of the slot. When the key-way is finished at one cut, it is well to drill two holes at the end and chip out between them so that the tool can be lifted clear of the work for the back stroke. With a single hole there is danger of the work catching the tool. When the keyway is cut the entire length of the work, there is no difficulty in lifting the tool for the back stroke. In some cases the keyway is planed a little narrower than desired, with the square-nosed tool, and the sides are finished with a side tool. 
1 5. Cutting to a Shoulder.—Suppose that it is necessary to take a cut over the piece of work shown in Fig. 7, and that the surface e is to be partly removed up to 

FIG. 7. 

the line A B, as indicated by the dotted lines. Before this cut can be taken on the shaper, it will be necessary to cut a groove at A B equal in depth to the amount to be removed. This groove can be cut with a cold chisel and a hammer or by first drilling a hole at a and then cutting the groove on 




the ' shaper with a parting tool. The part of the surface e indicated by dotted lines can then be easily planed away. In castings, when it is known that such cuts as these are to be taken, much work can be saved by coring out a space where the cut is to terminate. This saves the time required for 
cutting a groove with the chisel or by planing. 
1 6. Clamping Work to the Saddle.—Work that is too high to be placed on the shaper table, or work that can-not be clamped to the table on account of its shape, can frequently be clamped to the saddle. An example of this is shown in Fig. 8, which shows a pair of legs for a lathe 

FIG. 8. 
clamped in position for shaping the upper surface. The table and vise are removed and the work a secured to the saddle by bolts and blocking. This method of holding work is similar to attaching it to an angle plate fastened to a planer platen. 


When work is clamped against the front of the saddle, it is not always possible to test the setting with a surface gauge. This is also occasionally the case when rather large work is clamped to the top of the table. Then the setting of the work may be tested by means of a level or by a pointed wire, a scriber, or a tool held in the tool post, while moving the ram by hand. In some instances, the ram can be run out until it extends clear over the work a surface gauge can then be inverted and held up against the bottom of the ram, along which it is moved in order to test the setting of the work. 1 7. Rack Cutting.—In some cases the shaper may be used as a rack cutter. The vise is set with the jaws at right angles to the line of motion of the tool, and the rack blank is clamped in it. A tool having its cutting edge formed to give the correct shape of tooth is set in the tool post, and is fed down into the work, thus cutting out the space between two teeth of the rack. The work is then moved sidewise the correct distance to cut the second space, and the tool is again fed into the work to the same depth as before. For comparatively rough work, the spacing of the teeth may be laid out on the face of the rack, and Ole tool set as near as can be judged to the marks by mov\itig the saddle by means of the feed-screw. A better way is to use the feed-screw as a spacing device. When the feed-screw is used for spacing the teeth, it is treated as a micrometer screw. The pitch of the screw is measured and a calcula-tion made to. see how many turns and what part of a turn will be necessary to advance the work one tooth. To make the fraction of a turn, it is necessary to provide some kind of an index on the feed-screw. Frequently one of the change gears belonging to a lathe can be clamped on the screw and used as an index plate. EXAMPLE. —Let it be required to cut a rack to mesh with a 4 diame-ti'al pitch gear. (The circular pitch, or distance from the center of one tooth to the center of the next on the pitch line, for 4 diametral pitch is equal to .785 inch.) The work is to be done in a shaper having 4 threads per inch on the feed-screw for the saddle. 



pg 168-169

pg-168 MACHINE SHOP WORK, Milling Gears 
Gears. The cutting of gears of all descriptions was formerly done on some type of milling machine, although now each type of gear may have its special and, in many cases, automatic machine. 

Fig. 243. Gear Cutter with Divided Head 
Forms of Cutters. The cutters for milling spur and bevel gears are of two types, producing both the cycloidal and the involute tooth. For each pitch, the cycloidal system requires twenty-four cutters, while eight cutters usually suffice for the involute system. These cutters are plainly marked with the style of tooth, pitch, and number of teeth for which they are suitable. Some cutters are also marked with the full depth of the tooth expressed in thousandths of an inch, Fig. 279. The gear blanks, having been very carefully turned as to outside diameter, are mounted on an arbor be-tween centers, and the cutter placed so that its central plane passes through, and is parallel to, the axis of the arbor. Clamp the saddle in this position; raise the table knee until the cutter, when rotating, just touches the outside of the blank. Using the table screw, move from under the cutter; using the graduated dial, raise the knee an amount equal to the whole depth of the gear tooth. With the exception of the indexing, the gear blank is now ready to be cut, Fig. 242. 

Fig. 244. Cutting a Bevel Gear 
Use of Dividing Head. In order that the gear may be accurately and quickly set for cutting each tooth, a dividing head is used, which is shown in Fig. 243. The mandrel upon which the gear blank is mounted is held by the centers AA, and firmly dogged to the face-plate B. The index plate C is geared to the head spindle that carries 

Fig. 245. Hobbing Teeth in Worm Wheel Courtesy of Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, Providence, Rhode Island the faceplate B; the index plate is provided with a number of holes. These holes are arranged in circles, each circle having a different number of holes, and these holes are accurately spaced at equal distances apart. The arm D carries a stem E, having a knurled head - at one end andaaPinn at the other. The pin is held in one of the holes. holes



   pg-152 TOOL-MAKING 
Another method of getting the clearance for the cutter is to place, the top of the cutter blank as near the arbor as possible, and then to', cut the desired shape. If the cutter is set in the arbor so that it 

Fig. 232, First Step Fig. 233. Fly Cutter in Making Fly Set Radial with Cutter Clearance Provided 

Fig. 231. Simple Method of Getting Clearance on Fly Cutter 
projects from the surface, it will have the necessary clearance, as shown in Fig. 234. A represents the position of the blank while being cut, and B the cutter in position for cutting; as the dotted line shows the circle through which the cutting edge travels, the amount of clearance is apparent. End Mills. This form of milling machine cutter, Fig. 235, is familiarly known as a shank mill, on account of the shank, which in small milling cutters fits into a collet. This collet in turn fits the hole in the spindle of the milling machine; the collet is used to save stock in making the cutters, as otherwise it would be necessary to use steel large enough to make a shank the size of the hole in the spindle of the milling machine. The cutter shown in the figure is what is termed a left-hand mill; if the teeth run in the opposite direction, it is called a right-hand mill. In making a shank, or end mill, of the form shown, stock should be selected enough larger than the cutting end to allow of turning 

Fig. 235. Straight Flute Left-Hand End Mill Courtesy of Becker Milling Machine Company, Hyde Park, Massachusetts off the decarbonized surface of the steel. After the ends have been faced to length, and the roughing chip turned, the cutting end can be run in the steady rest of the lathe, and the center cut away, or 

  pg-153 TOOL-MAKING 
recessed, as shown at the end of the mill. The blank should be re-centered and countersunk, to furnish a center to use in turning the mill to size and shape. The object in cutting the center out as shown is to furnish a cavity for the angular cutter used in cutting the teeth on the end of the mill. Without the recess, it would be impossible to grind satisfactorily. After re-centering the recessed end, the opposite end should be turned to size and milled to thickness, which should be a trifle-11,2 inch—less than the width of the center key slot in the collet. The taper shank should be turned enough larger than finish size to allow for grinding after the milling cutter is hardened ; the cutter end should be turned .010 inch larger than the required diameter ; the portion just back of the cutters should be turned 1-2- inch smaller than 

Fig. 236. Cutter with Weak Teeth 

Fig. 237. Cutter with Well-Formed Teeth 

Fig. 238. Cutter with Especially Strong Teeth 

Fig. 239. Method of Cutting Strong Teeth 
the large end of the shank, or to dimensions, if any are given on the drawings. In order to insure teeth strong enough to resist the strain of cutting, an angular mill should be selected that will give the required shape. In Fig. 236 is shown a form of cutter tooth too weak for actual service, the result of using an angular cutter with a cutting face forming an angle that is too acute with the side. Fig. 237 illus-trates a cutter whose teeth are strong, yet deep enough to be practical; these teeth were cut with an angular mill of smaller angle. Fig. 238 represents a cutter whose teeth were cut with the same cutter used for Fig. 236. The teeth were cut to the required depth first, but this of course left them too thick at the cutting edges A, Fig. 239, and the index head was turned sufficiently to cut the teeth as shown at A, Fig. 238. After the teeth around the circumference of the mill have been cut, the mill should be placed in the collet, and the collet put in the spindle hole in the spiral head to cut the teeth on the end. When 

Fig. 231.the last last Fly-Cutter Arbor 


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pg-4 -5
carry the cutting tools. Each spindle, and hence each cut-ting tool, is usually made to be independently adjustable in relation to the work. In most machines of this class, the work can be moved in a straight line in one direction only. Multispindle milling machines are intended for finishing several surfaces simultaneously, and are usually en-iployed for heavy work only. 1 6. Special milling machines may take any con-ceivable form that will adapt them for the class of work for which they are designed, but no matter in what manner they are constructed, the principles of operation will be the same as those of any regular milling machines. 
17. A milling machine consists of certain essential parts, which in some form or other must exist in any of its numerous modifications. The essential parts are the frame, the spindle, the table, the feed-mechanism, and the cutting tool. The function of the frame is the supporting of the spindle, table, and feed-mechanism. The spindle, which by suitable means is revolved in bearings provided for it in the frame, carries the cutting tool. The function of the table is to serve as a support for the work, which may be attached either directly to the table or to holding devices carried by it. The feed-mechanism serves to move the work past the cutting tool ; it may operate directly upon the table, or upon the spindle, or upon both. The function of the cut-ting tool is self-explanatory. 
1 8. The universal milling machine is the most advanced form for general work, and embodies all the features found in other types. For this reason it is here selected and 
§ 13 
described. As far as the universal machines of various makes are concerned, their general arrangement is similar 

to that of the machine illustrated in Fig. 1; they differ only in the design of the details, which are modified in accordance 



pg-4 -5
carry the cutting tools. Each spindle, and hence each cut-ting tool, is usually made to be independently adjustable in relation to the work. In most machines of this class, the work can be moved in a straight line in one direction only. Multispindle milling machines are intended for finishing several surfaces simultaneously, and are usually en-iployed for heavy work only. 1 6. Special milling machines may take any con-ceivable form that will adapt them for the class of work for which they are designed, but no matter in what manner they are constructed, the principles of operation will be the same as those of any regular milling machines. 
17. A milling machine consists of certain essential parts, which in some form or other must exist in any of its numerous modifications. The essential parts are the frame, the spindle, the table, the feed-mechanism, and the cutting tool. The function of the frame is the supporting of the spindle, table, and feed-mechanism. The spindle, which by suitable means is revolved in bearings provided for it in the frame, carries the cutting tool. The function of the table is to serve as a support for the work, which may be attached either directly to the table or to holding devices carried by it. The feed-mechanism serves to move the work past the cutting tool ; it may operate directly upon the table, or upon the spindle, or upon both. The function of the cut-ting tool is self-explanatory. 
1 8. The universal milling machine is the most advanced form for general work, and embodies all the features found in other types. For this reason it is here selected and 
§ 13 
described. As far as the universal machines of various makes are concerned, their general arrangement is similar 

to that of the machine illustrated in Fig. 1; they differ only in the design of the details, which are modified in accordance 





alt="https://antiquemachinery.com/images-American-Machinist-Oct-29-1942/pg-1235-Armamet-Tank-Engines-made-on-Coverted-Equipment-Airplane-Engine-Vintage-Old-Antique-Equipment-Machine-Shop-Machines.jpeg" text pg 2

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 Above: The shaper  was the third Machine you learn to run as an Apprentice.

small pic


/images-Sucess-in-the-small-Shop/Success-in-the-Small-shop-1914-pg-85-Small-shop-Lineshafting-What-are-those-rings-running-along-the-metal shafts-up-there-Shaft-Pollishers-and-pulleys-leveling-aligning.jpeg

alt="http://antiquemachinery.com/images-2020/Machinery-Magazine-March-1896-vol-2-no-7-top-Cover-men-working-old-shop-lineshaft-belt-drive-1896%20(2).jpg" <

2. Types of Shapers.—The ordinary types of shapers may be divided into column shapers and traveling-head shapers, the distinction being made largely on account of the style of the frame of the tool and the feed. In the column shaper the work is fed sidewise during the return stroke of the tool, while in the traveling-head shaper the head is fed sidewise during the return stroke of the tool. Column shapers may also be divided into two classes, crank-shapers and geared shapers, the division depending on the method of driving the tool. There are also several special types of shapers, or machines belonging to the shaper class, that will be considered after the work of the ordinary shaper has been discussed. 
3. Construction of Shaper.-This class of shaper consists of a column A, Fig. 1, that supports the driving mechanism and the various stationary and movable parts of the machine ; a movable ram B that carries the cutting tool at one end ; and a movable table E to which the work is fastened. The ram B slides in flat bearings formed on top of the column ; at its front end it carries the shaper head D, which gives the down feed. This shaper head is so arranged that it can be swiveled around to make any angle with the top surface of the table. The ram is moved to and fro over the work by the driving mechanism within the column, which is operated by belting from a countershaft to the cone pulley J. The length of stroke and the position of the ram with reference to the work are adjustable. The shaper head D carries a tool block H similar to that of a planer. The table E is fastened by bolts to a saddle M, which is gibbed to the cross-rail I and can be moved along it either by hand 

or by an automatic feed. The cross-rail can be raised or lowered by means of a screw on the vertical slide G, which forms part of the column, and can be clamped to it at any point. The table E usually has a removable vise F fitted to 

FIG. 1. 
it. To assist in supporting the table, a screw jack N is occasionally attached to the base of the machine. The amount of feed for each stroke of the ram can be adjusted by varying the position of a slide that can be locked by the handle L. 
4. Driving Mechanism.—The driving mechanism of the column shaper shown in Fig. 1 is illustrated by the two detailed sections, Fig. 2. A is the column or main frame, B is the ram that carries at the front end the swivel piece C. 



Pic 3

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The slide D carries the tool holder H. The block a is secured to the ram B by the stud b and the tightener handle c. This block a is tapped and fitted. to the screw d. The screw d can be rotated by the hand wheel f and the bevel gears at e. By this means the block a can be moved along the ram and placed at any desired position. This enables the operator to adjust the position of the ram over the work regardless of the length of the cutting stroke. If the ram in the position shown by the drawing is set for a short stroke, the cutting will take place at or near the center of the table. By means of the block a and the screw d, the 

111 111 ;owl maynrymn.crip 

FIG. 2. 
ram can be so adjusted that this cut will take place at either end of the table. Especially in die work, it is frequently of advantage to be able to cut to an angle or curved line with-out cutting the whole face of the work, or to cut close to a round boss or other projection on the work. This requires the changing of the position of the stroke after each stroke of the tool. 'The roller block a carries the pin g, upon which are mounted the rollers h. These rollers form a connection between the ram and the vibrating arm and reduce the friction. The vibrating arm i is slotted and connected to the driving gear k by the crankpin 1, formed upon the 

block l'. This block 1' is secured in suitable bearings so that it can be moved across the face of the gear k. If the crankpin 1 is placed farther from the center of the gear k, the length of the stroke of the ram B will be increased, while if the crankpin 1 is drawn toward the center of the gear k, the length of the stroke of the ram will decrease until the pin 1 reaches the center of the gear k, when the stroke will become zero. In order to adjust this crankpin, the screw n and gears o and p are provided. The gear p is mounted upon the shaft q, one end of which is squared to receive a crank. A locknut K, Fig. 1, is provided on the shaft, so that when the gear p has been placed in the desired position, the shaft q can be locked and further motion pre-vented. The graduated scale r on the body of the machine and the pointer s on the ram serve to show when the proper position for the desired stroke is reached. The vibrating arm i is made very stiff and is provided with a clamp piece t, intended to prevent any spring in the arm. This clamp piece is shown partly broken away in Fig. 2 so as to show the gears behind it. The pinion u and shafts v and w, together with the clutch lever y, are a part of the back-gear arrangement. The rest of this back-gear arrangement is not shown, since it is on the side of the section toward the front of the machine, and hence could not be seen in this 
5. Construction of Shaper.-The geared shaper differs from the crank-driven column shaper only in the method employed for driving the ram. In the geared shaper a rack is attached to the under side of the ram ; the latter is driven by spur gearing in the same manner as a spur-geared planer. The motion of the ram may be reversed by a reversing belt that is alternately shifted, together with the driving belt, from the tight to the loose pulleys ; this method is similar to that employed for opera-ting the platen of a spur-geared planer. In some shaper 





   pg-152 TOOL-MAKING 
Another method of getting the clearance for the cutter is to place, the top of the cutter blank as near the arbor as possibl
the mill have been cut, the mill should be placed in the collet, and the collet put in the spindle hole in the spiral head to cut the

alt="https://antiquemachinery.com/images-American-Machinist-Oct-29-1942/pg-1237-Armamet-Tank-Engines-Airplane-made-on-Coverted-Vintage-old-Antique-Equipment-Baker-Rock-Island-Veteran-Drill-new-heavy-Fixture-Machine-Shop-Machines.jpeg" text pg 3




Page 50 SHAPER AND SLOTTER--Section-§9 
designs the reversing is accomplished by action clutches, which alternately grip and release th.'„ .—Lieys carrying the driving and reversing belts. Thege triction clutches are operated by tappets attached to the rams ; the tappets are movable and can be clamped anywhere along the ram. They determine by their Position the length of the stroke and the position of the ram at the beginning and end of the stroke. 

TRAVELING-HEAD SHAPER. 6. Construction of Shaper. - A- style of shaper known as a traveling-head shaper is used to some extent for work beyond the range of the column shaper. 
FIG. 3. Such a shaper is shown in Fig. 3. It has a very rigid box bed a, whin carries the ram b on top and one or more tables on its side. The ram is mounted on a saddle k, 

which can be moved along the bed either by hand or by an automatic feed. The line of motion of the saddle is at right angles to the line of motion of the ram ; the tool is fed across the work by moving the saddle. The shaper head c is fastened to the end of the ram in the same manner as in a column shaper. Vertical slides 142, an, which can be moved along horizontal ways on the front of the bed and clamped thereto, carry the table e and the vise d. The table and vise can be moved in a vertical direction by means of screws, and can be rigidly clamped to the vertical slides in any posi-tion. The work when small is either fastened to the table or held in the vise ; if large, both may be used for support-ing and holding it. With this type of shaper, it is possible to take cuts on quite heavy work, since the work, on account of being sta-tionary during machining, may be supported by jacks or by blocking placed on the floor. This Cannot be done very well with a column shaper, where the work is usually sup-ported entirely by the table with which it moves. Many shapers of this class are provided with a stud, between the table e and the vise d, for holding work that is to be finished to a radius. The stud is sometimes provided with an automatic feed that turns it through a small portion of a revolution after each stroke of the tool. By this device any curved work having a radius less than the distance from the center of the stud to the bottom of the ram can be finished. The stud is sometimes made removable, so as to leave a hole through which long shafts can be placed. This makes it possible to cut keyways near the center of long shafts. 
7. Driving Mechanism.—Fig. 4 is a right-hand side view of the machine shown partially in section. Corre-sponding parts have been lettered alike in Figs. 3 and 4. Power is transmitted from a line shaft or countershaft by a belt to the cone pulley p, which is fastened to a splined shaft j extending along the back of the bed. The shaft carries a pinion k, which has a feather fitted to the spline,

designs the reversing is accomplishq action clutches, which alternately grip and release th.'„ .—Lieys carrying the driving and reversing belts. Thege triction clutches are operated by tappets attached to the rams ; the tappets are movable and can be clamped anywhere along the ram. They determine by their position the length of the stroke and the position of the ram at the beginning and end of the stroke. 
TRAVELING-HEAD SHAPER. 6. Construction of Shaper. - A- style of shaper known as a traveling-head shaper is used to some extent for work beyond the range of the column shaper. 

Such a shaper is shown in Fig. 3. It has a very rigid box bed a, whin carries the ram b on top and one or 




 Five-of-a-Kind Shapers.

small pic



          pg 152-153

pg 152 -MACHINE SHOP WORK  Duplex milling machine,,, the Becker Milling Machine.
Such machines are provided with the feed motions of the horizontal type, and also with a rotating table by which circular work can be done. A large amount of work formerly done in lathes 

Fig. 230. Vertical Milling Machine with Working Parts Shown in Ghost Courtesy of Becker Milling Machine Company, Hyde Park, Massachusetts 
is now being done in vertical spindle machines, as well as many pieces formerly machined on planers and shapers. Duplex Milling Machines. The duplex milling machine, Fig. 231, has both the horizontal and vertical spindles combined in one, which allows the spindle to be placed at any angle from horizontal to vertical, and combines all the good points of both machines. The 
 pg 153- 
head of the duplex miller can be moved out over the table so as greatly to increase the range of the machine; and this head is also provided with a drilling attachment whereby holes may be drilled at any angle. 

Fig. 231. Duplex Milling Machine Set for Cutting Spirals Courtesy of Van Norman Machine Tool Company, Springfield, Massachusetts 
MILLING OPERATIONS Classification. These may be classified in a manner similar to the cutters themselves, whose names will suggest the kind of work for which they are adapted. Plane Milling or Surface Milling. This is the machining of plain, flat, horizontal surfaces by means of cylindrical mills whose length is usually much greater than their diameters, the larger kinds being constructed with inserted blades or teeth. Side Milling or Face Milling. This operation is the machining of vertical surfaces, or surfaces at right angles to the axis of the milling cutter. 





page 154-155 Machine-Shop-Work Milling-Machines.
     If many formed mills are to be made, it is advisable to procure or make a machine specially designed for relieving—backing off—the teeth. As such machines are heavy and rigid, large cutters may be relieved and a smooth cut obtained, which is not possible with a light machine. Backing-Off Lathe Attachments. Although this style of cutter can be made to better advantage in a shop equipped with machinery designed especially for this class of work, an ordinary engine lathe 

Fig. 220. Balzar Backing-Off Attachment 
can be converted into a backing-off lathe for relieving or backing off the cutters. There are several commercial devices for the work : one comparatively inexpensive fixture is known as the "Balzar" backing-off attachment, Fig. 220; another arrangement consists simply of an eccentric arbor operated by a hand lever; or, a stud may be screwed into the faceplate of a lathe and the cutter placed on this stud in a position that allows the teeth to be given the necessary amount of clearance. 

When backing off the teeth of cutters whose faces do not exceed one inch in width, the Balzari backing-off fixture can be used to advantage. This device is held between the centers of a lathe in, 

Fig. 221. Special Arbor for Backing Off 
the ordinary manner, the backing off being such that the cutter can be ground without alteration of shape. The tool is so constructed that it is only necessary to place the cutter upon the arbor in the ordinary way. Place the arbor on the lathe centers as shown, start the lathe, and feed the forming tool in by the cross-feed screw in order to take the desired cut, in the same manner as in plain turning. The ratchet connected with the arbor and actuated by the pawl, contains ordinarily 36 teeth, and the stroke can be set to back off a cutter with 9, 12, 18, or 36 teeth.

Backing Of by an Eccentric Arbor. An arbor may be made having a pair of centers located to give the cutter tooth the required amount of clearance; such an arbor is shown in Fig. 221. The eccentric centers are shown at the sectional portions at the ends. The amount of eccentricity depends somewhat on the size of the cutter to be backed off, but for cutters not exceeding 4 inches in diameter, from to / inch will give excellent results. The screw at the end of the arbor should be of a fine pitch, about 12 threads per inch for arbors one inch in diameter. The object in 
ifiril 1.m  

Fig. 222. Eccentric Arbor fcr Backing-Off Cutter cutting a fine-pitch thread is that the cutter, being backed off, can be hold more securely with the same amount of force exerted in tightening the nut; again, the depth of the thread is not so great as 



TOOL-MAKING  page  164-165

Fig. 247. Side Milling Cutter on End Work 
TABLE VIII Dimensions of Face Milling Cutters 
DIAMETER OF WIDTH OF TAPER OF HOLE CUTTER FACE (Brown & Sharpe Taper) (in.) (in.) (No.) c,* mloo C,INC9C,IN 10 12 4.1c 12 12 12 
way, and held in place on the arbor by a screw. The teeth should be made of tool steel and hardened, or of high-speed steel, if the cutter is to be subjected to rough usage. In either case, they can be fitted to the slots by grinding on a surface grinder, and held in place by taper bushings and screws, as explained under "Milling Cutters with Inserted Teeth". The construction of the body from the sectional view given in Fig. 249. represent diameter of cutter, width of face, and number of taper of the hole, respec-tively, while D represents the keyway. Table VIII gives the dimensions of face milling cutters of different diameters. After the taper hole has been bored and reamed, the body of the cutter should be placed on a taper mandrel fitting the hole, and the ends and cir-cumference finished to size. It is then put in the vise on the shaper or planer at the proper angle, and the spline slot cut to an equal depth at each end of the taper hole. The burrs having been removed, the cutter should be placed be milling machine, and the slots cut for the 

Fig. 248. Face Milling Cutter 
can be readily understood The letters A, B, and C 

14-13-61 Fig. 249. Body of Face Mill 
tween teeth. 
the centers on the 

page 148 TOOL-MAKING 
     brought down upon the carriage, the tooth of the cutter is brought down upon the sheet metal, and the nut is tightened. The tooth to be backed off is the one below that set to the thickness of the strip above the tool. The object in raising the tooth a given distance above the face is to prevent striking the tool at the end of the stroke. This operation must be repeated for the setting of each tooth before backing off. The forming tool is fed by means of the cross-feed screw; a tooth is backed off nearly the desired amount, leaving a little for a finish cut; the tool is withdrawn, the nut 

emill itill  
III Fig. 227. Method of Locating Cutter Tooth for Backing Off loosened, and the cutter turned on the arbor to bring the next tooth in position to be backed off, this operation being repeated until all the teeth are backed off alike. The amount of backing off must be determined by the cross-feed stop or by a graduated dial on the cross-feed screw. After the roughing cut has been taken on all the teeth, the forming tool should be sharpened by grinding or by oil-stoning, and the finish cut taken on the teeth. Backing Of by Stud in Faceplate. Another method of backing off cutter teeth is shown in Fig. 228. A stud is screwed in the face-plate of a lathe near the outer edge, as shown. The cutter, which must be a fit on the stud, is claniped by means of the nut. The finger 

     A is movable in the slot in the stationary block B, which is so located on the faceplate as to bring the tooth. to be backed off into its proper location, and to keep it from turning during the operation. The forming tool is fed in gradually until the tooth is formed. The finger is then disengaged from the space in the cutter, which is revolved by means of the set screw until the next tooth is in position. Each tooth is machined separately; that is, the forming tool is fed in the required distance for each tooth when it is in position, the cutter is turned until the next tooth is in position, and the process repeated until each tooth has been backed off. In backing off cutters in this 

Fig. 228. Set-Up for Backing Off Cutter on Faceplate device, it is necessary to cut the notches (the spaces between the teeth) somewhat wider than the teeth. General Directions for Backing Off. When backing off the teeth for clearance by any of the means described, it is first necessary to form the blank, then to gash it or to cut the notches as described; then to back off the teeth. After backing off, it is necessary to mill the face of the tooth back 322 inch or so, to cut away the "jump", as it is termed, caused by the forming tool drawing in a trifle when it first strikes the edge of the tooth. ' Cutters of this description are sharpened by grinding on the face of teeth, as shown in Fig. 229. Milling Cutters with Threaded Holes. It is often necessary to make milling cutters with threaded holes. This happens in the case 


pg 168-169

pg-168 MACHINE SHOP WORK, Milling Gears 
Gears. The cutting of gears of all descriptions was formerly done on some type of milling machine, although now each type of gear may have its special and, in many cases, automatic machine. 

Fig. 243. Gear Cutter with Divided Head 
Forms of Cutters. The cutters for milling spur and bevel gears are of two types, producing both the cycloidal and the involute tooth. For each pitch, the cycloidal system requires twenty-four cutters, while eight cutters usually suffice for the involute system. These cutters are plainly marked with the style of tooth, pitch, and number of teeth for which they are suitable. Some cutters are also marked with the full depth of the tooth expressed in thousandths of an inch, Fig. 279. The gear blanks, having been very carefully turned as to outside diameter, are mounted on an arbor be-tween centers, and the cutter placed so that its central plane passes through, and is parallel to, the axis of the arbor. Clamp the saddle in this position; raise the table knee until the cutter, when rotating, just touches the outside of the blank. Using the table screw, move from under the cutter; using the graduated dial, raise the knee an amount equal to the whole depth of the gear tooth. With the exception of the indexing, the gear blank is now ready to be cut, Fig. 242. 

Fig. 244. Cutting a Bevel Gear 
Use of Dividing Head. In order that the gear may be accurately and quickly set for cutting each tooth, a dividing head is used, which is shown in Fig. 243. The mandrel upon which the gear blank is mounted is held by the centers AA, and firmly dogged to the face-plate B. The index plate C is geared to the head spindle that carries 

Fig. 245. Hobbing Teeth in Worm Wheel Courtesy of Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, Providence, Rhode Island the faceplate B; the index plate is provided with a number of holes. These holes are arranged in circles, each circle having a different number of holes, and these holes are accurately spaced at equal distances apart. The arm D carries a stem E, having a knurled head - at one end andaaPinn at the other. The pin is held in one of the holes. holes



   pg-152 TOOL-MAKING 
Another method of getting the clearance for the cutter is to place, the top of the cutter blank as near the arbor as possible, and then to', cut the desired shape. If the cutter is set in the arbor so that it 

Fig. 232, First Step Fig. 233. Fly Cutter in Making Fly Set Radial with Cutter Clearance Provided 

Fig. 231. Simple Method of Getting Clearance on Fly Cutter 
projects from the surface, it will have the necessary clearance, as shown in Fig. 234. A represents the position of the blank while being cut, and B the cutter in position for cutting; as the dotted line shows the circle through which the cutting edge travels, the amount of clearance is apparent. End Mills. This form of milling machine cutter, Fig. 235, is familiarly known as a shank mill, on account of the shank, which in small milling cutters fits into a collet. This collet in turn fits the hole in the spindle of the milling machine; the collet is used to save stock in making the cutters, as otherwise it would be necessary to use steel large enough to make a shank the size of the hole in the spindle of the milling machine. The cutter shown in the figure is what is termed a left-hand mill; if the teeth run in the opposite direction, it is called a right-hand mill. In making a shank, or end mill, of the form shown, stock should be selected enough larger than the cutting end to allow of turning 

Fig. 235. Straight Flute Left-Hand End Mill Courtesy of Becker Milling Machine Company, Hyde Park, Massachusetts off the decarbonized surface of the steel. After the ends have been faced to length, and the roughing chip turned, the cutting end can be run in the steady rest of the lathe, and the center cut away, or 

  pg-153 TOOL-MAKING 
recessed, as shown at the end of the mill. The blank should be re-centered and countersunk, to furnish a center to use in turning the mill to size and shape. The object in cutting the center out as shown is to furnish a cavity for the angular cutter used in cutting the teeth on the end of the mill. Without the recess, it would be impossible to grind satisfactorily. After re-centering the recessed end, the opposite end should be turned to size and milled to thickness, which should be a trifle-11,2 inch—less than the width of the center key slot in the collet. The taper shank should be turned enough larger than finish size to allow for grinding after the milling cutter is hardened ; the cutter end should be turned .010 inch larger than the required diameter ; the portion just back of the cutters should be turned 1-2- inch smaller than 

Fig. 236. Cutter with Weak Teeth 

Fig. 237. Cutter with Well-Formed Teeth 

Fig. 238. Cutter with Especially Strong Teeth 

Fig. 239. Method of Cutting Strong Teeth 
the large end of the shank, or to dimensions, if any are given on the drawings. In order to insure teeth strong enough to resist the strain of cutting, an angular mill should be selected that will give the required shape. In Fig. 236 is shown a form of cutter tooth too weak for actual service, the result of using an angular cutter with a cutting face forming an angle that is too acute with the side. Fig. 237 illus-trates a cutter whose teeth are strong, yet deep enough to be practical; these teeth were cut with an angular mill of smaller angle. Fig. 238 represents a cutter whose teeth were cut with the same cutter used for Fig. 236. The teeth were cut to the required depth first, but this of course left them too thick at the cutting edges A, Fig. 239, and the index head was turned sufficiently to cut the teeth as shown at A, Fig. 238. After the teeth around the circumference of the mill have been cut, the mill should be placed in the collet, and the collet put in the spindle hole in the spiral head to cut the teeth on the end. When 

Fig. 231.the last last Fly-Cutter Arbor 


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pg-4 -5
carry the cutting tools. Each spindle, and hence each cut-ting tool, is usually made to be independently adjustable in relation to the work. In most machines of this class, the work can be moved in a straight line in one direction only. Multispindle milling machines are intended for finishing several surfaces simultaneously, and are usually en-iployed for heavy work only. 1 6. Special milling machines may take any con-ceivable form that will adapt them for the class of work for which they are designed, but no matter in what manner they are constructed, the principles of operation will be the same as those of any regular milling machines. 
17. A milling machine consists of certain essential parts, which in some form or other must exist in any of its numerous modifications. The essential parts are the frame, the spindle, the table, the feed-mechanism, and the cutting tool. The function of the frame is the supporting of the spindle, table, and feed-mechanism. The spindle, which by suitable means is revolved in bearings provided for it in the frame, carries the cutting tool. The function of the table is to serve as a support for the work, which may be attached either directly to the table or to holding devices carried by it. The feed-mechanism serves to move the work past the cutting tool ; it may operate directly upon the table, or upon the spindle, or upon both. The function of the cut-ting tool is self-explanatory. 
1 8. The universal milling machine is the most advanced form for general work, and embodies all the features found in other types. For this reason it is here selected and 
§ 13 
described. As far as the universal machines of various makes are concerned, their general arrangement is similar 

to that of the machine illustrated in Fig. 1; they differ only in the design of the details, which are modified in accordance 



pg-4 -5
carry the cutting tools. Each spindle, and hence each cut-ting tool, is usually made to be independently adjustable in relation to the work. In most machines of this class, the work can be moved in a straight line in one direction only. Multispindle milling machines are intended for finishing several surfaces simultaneously, and are usually en-iployed for heavy work only. 1 6. Special milling machines may take any con-ceivable form that will adapt them for the class of work for which they are designed, but no matter in what manner they are constructed, the principles of operation will be the same as those of any regular milling machines. 
17. A milling machine consists of certain essential parts, which in some form or other must exist in any of its numerous modifications. The essential parts are the frame, the spindle, the table, the feed-mechanism, and the cutting tool. The function of the frame is the supporting of the spindle, table, and feed-mechanism. The spindle, which by suitable means is revolved in bearings provided for it in the frame, carries the cutting tool. The function of the table is to serve as a support for the work, which may be attached either directly to the table or to holding devices carried by it. The feed-mechanism serves to move the work past the cutting tool ; it may operate directly upon the table, or upon the spindle, or upon both. The function of the cut-ting tool is self-explanatory. 
1 8. The universal milling machine is the most advanced form for general work, and embodies all the features found in other types. For this reason it is here selected and 
§ 13 
described. As far as the universal machines of various makes are concerned, their general arrangement is similar 

to that of the machine illustrated in Fig. 1; they differ only in the design of the details, which are modified in accordance 