WANTED$$: Antique Machine shop &Woodshop Machinery & Parts,
Bought by Richard Spens Created 6-2003----last updated 6- 2003
Rise and fall Boring Mill 1920's single cutter bevel gear shaper 1900 traversing surface grinder
that traces a gear template.
Fellows gear shapers 1898 and 1906 Early 1 and 4 spindle automatic screw machines
My Personal machine want list follows;
Click on the pictures below to see the flyers I pass out showing some of the machines I'm looking for.
If you are looking for something, or have something that needs to be preserved, please e mail me a pic. so I can post it.
Fellows gear shapers 1898 and 1906
Early 1 and 4 spindle automatic screw machines
1908 Hendy lathe relieving attachment adJPG
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